繁體版 English 한국어
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  • hukou
  • "农业"英文翻译    agriculture; farming
  • "户口"英文翻译    number of households and tot ...
  • "非农业户口" 英文翻译 :    hukou
  • "银行营业户口" 英文翻译 :    busine bank account; business bank account
  • "非农业户" 英文翻译 :    nonagricultural residencee
  • "户口" 英文翻译 :    1.(住户和人口) number of households and total population2.(户籍) registered permanent residence 报户口 register one's residence; apply for residence; 查户口 check residence cards; check on household occupants; 临时户口 temporary resident; 迁户口 report to the local authorities for change of domicile; 销户口 cancel one's residence registration; 户口簿 (permanent) residence booklet; 户口管制 domicile control; 户口清册 census record; 户口普查 census; 户口证件 household registry certificate
  • "兼业户" 英文翻译 :    households with combined occupations
  • "专业户" 英文翻译 :    family that produces a special product; specialized household; specialized production household
  • "个体专业户" 英文翻译 :    individual households with specialized lines of work
  • "商品粮专业户" 英文翻译 :    households specializing in growing marketable grain
  • "报户口" 英文翻译 :    apply for a residence permit 报临时户口 apply for a temporary residence permit; 给新生婴儿报户口 register the birth of a child
  • "查户口" 英文翻译 :    check residence cards; check on household occupants
  • "户;户口" 英文翻译 :    household
  • "户口本" 英文翻译 :    book of registered permanent residence; household register; identification book; permanent residence certificate
  • "户口簿" 英文翻译 :    household register of my family members; residence booklet
  • "木户口" 英文翻译 :    kidoguchi
  • "迁户口" 英文翻译 :    report to the local authorities for change of domicile
  • "世户口" 英文翻译 :    setoguchi
  • "销户口" 英文翻译 :    cancel one's residence registration
  • "濑户口" 英文翻译 :    setoguchi
  • "鹈户口" 英文翻译 :    udoguchi
  • "农业" 英文翻译 :    agriculture; farming◇农业八字宪法 eight-point charter for agriculture (soil improvement, rational application of fertilizer, water conservancy, improved seed strains, rational close planting, plant protection, field management and improvement of farm implements); 农业保险 agricultural insurance; 农业布局 distribution of agriculture; 农业部 ministry of agriculture; 农业产出 agricultural output; 农业仓库 agricultural warehouse; 农业大学 agricultural university; 农业贷款 agricultural loan; 农业地理 agricultural geography; 农业地图 agricultural map; 农业电气化 farm electrification; 农业调查 agricultural investigation; 农业多样化 agricultural diversification; 农业发展规划 agricultural development planning; 农业发展路线 outline in agricultural development; 农业发展速度 rate of agricultural development; 农业法 farmer's law; 农业法令 agricultural law; 农业方针政策 agricultural program and policy; 农业防治 cultural control; 农业飞机 agriculture aircraft; 农业废水 agricultural effluent; agricultural waste water; 农业废物 agricultural waste; 农业革命 agricultural revolution; 农业工程(学) agricultural engineering; 农业工人 agricultural labourer; farm labourer; farm worker; 农业公司 agricultural corporation; 农业关联产业(农工综合体) agribusiness; 农业构成 agricultural components; 农业管理 agricultural management; 农业规划图 map of agricultural planning; 农业国 agricultural country; 农业害虫 agricultural destructive [pest] insect; 农业航空 agricultural aviation; 农业化学化 chemical application of agriculture; 农业化学药品 [材料] agricultural chemicals; 农业环境 agricultural environment; 农业活动 rural activity; 农业基地 agricultural base; 农业机具 agricultural equipment; 农业机械化 farm [agricultural] mechanization; 农业集体化 collectivization of agriculture; 农业集约化 intensive agriculture; 农业计划 agricultural plan; 农业价格政策 agricultural pricing policy; 农业建筑 agricultural building; 农业经营集约化 degree of intensive farming; 农业净产值 net value of agricultural output;农业会计 agricultural accounting; 农业劳动组合 collective farm; 农业劳动组织 agricultural labour organization; 农业类型 type of farming; 农业流域 agricultural watershed; 农业排水 agricultural drainage; 农业配置 distribution of agriculture; 农业平价率 agricultural parity ratio; 农业气象学 [农业] agricultural meteorology; agrometeorology; 农业气象预报 agrometeorological forecasting; 农业气象站 agricultural meteorological station; agrometeorological station; 农业区 agricultural region; 农业区划 agricultural regionalization; 农业人口 agricultural population; 农业社会化 socializing agriculture; socialization of agriculture; 农业生产方针 program for agricultural production; 农业生产结构 structure of agricultural production; 农业生产效率 agricultural production efficiency; 农业生产责任制 system of responsibility in agricultural production; responsibility system for agricultural production; 农业生产指数 index number of farm output; 农业生产资料 capital goods in the agricultural sector; agricultural means of production; 农业生态 agro-ecology; 农业生态工程 agro-ecological project; 农业生态系统 agroecological system; 农业剩余物 [农业] agricultural wastes; 农业施肥飞机 top-dressing aircraft; 农业试验站 agricultural experiment station; 农业水利化 bring the agriculture under irrigation; irrigation of agriculture; 农业投入 agricultural input; input for agriculture; 农业投资 farm investment; 农业拖拉机 agricultural traction engine; 农业污染 agricultural pollution; 农业污染源 agricultural pollution source; 农业系统工程 agriculture systems engineering; 农业现代化 modernization of agriculture; agricultural modernization; 农业销售值 farm market sales; 农业型 agrotype; 农业研究所 agricultural research institute; 农业用地 farm land; 农业展览 agricultural exhibition; 农业展览馆 agricultural museum; 农业政策 agriculture policy; 农业资源 agricultural resource; 农业自动化 agricultural automation; 农业自然资源综合调查 comprehensive survey of agricultural natural resources; 农业综合发展 comprehensive development of agriculture; 农业综合企业 agribusiness; 农业综合生产率 overall agricultural productivity; 农业总产值 total agricultural output value
  • "粮食生产专业户" 英文翻译 :    specialized grain producing house hold
  • "勤劳致富的专业户" 英文翻译 :    specialized households which have prospered through hard labour
  • "核对户口, 查对户口" 英文翻译 :    check residence cards


  • Text : it is reported this action is aimed at primary and middle school compulsory education students with zhuhai agricultural registered permanent residence
  • The domesticity condition of these people is even poorer than family of agricultural registered permanent residence , the difficulty of its children enter a school is solved extremely hard
  • I am a common child of the farm , my registered permanent residence however dispute agriculture registered permanent residence , can be in people look , i am an indecent person ( both neither is villages and towns not be a country ) , adding me is not very rich in the home
    我是一位农场的普通孩子,我的户口却是非农业户口,可在别人眼里,我是个不三不四的人(既不是乡镇的又不是农村的) ,加上我家里又不是很富有。
  • I buy in shanghai secondhand room , accumulation fund remaining sum already exceeded 5000 yuan , also satisfy at the same time hand in continuously full of 6 months , oneself are not agricultural registered permanent residence , head fu yichao passes 50 % , whether can you borrow money smoothly with accumulation fund
    我在上海买一套二手房,公积金余额已超过5000元,同时也满足连续交满6个月的,本人非农业户口,首付已超过50 % ,用公积金是否可以顺利贷款


  • 农业户口的韩语:[명사] 농민 호적. [농촌에 거주하면서 ‘商品粮’(상품 식량)이 아니라 자기가 소속된 생산대(生産隊)에서 수확·분배하는 ‘农业粮’으로 식생활을 영위하는 호구를 이름]
农业户口的英文翻译,农业户口英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译农业户口,农业户口的英文意思,農業戶口的英文农业户口 meaning in English農業戶口的英文农业户口怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。