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  • rose wood
  • rosewood (10ml)


  • Scarlett sat on a high rosewood ottoman, under the shade of a huge oak, her flounces and ruffles billowing about her .
  • Oil of rosewood . determination of alpha - terpineol . gas chromatographic method on packed and capillary column
    花梨木油精. -松油醇含量的测定.填充柱和毛细柱气相色谱法
  • I advise you to change a grip with pear wood and silk twined . it ' s more close to this dao ' s actual combating style
  • The relics of the old royal garden and woods such as zhong nan hai , forbidden city , beihai park zhong shan park and chang pu he park are all within walking distance
    贵宾楼内所有的陈设充满了中国情调, 217套客房全部采用花梨木家具,配以古典字画和有典故的装饰。
  • Organic sunflower oil , soybean oil , jojoba , unrefined shea butter , purified water , beeswax , wheat germ oil , borax , organic aloe vera leaf juice , chamomile extract vitamin e , essential oils of rosewood , lavender , wild - crafted rosemary
  • Monte cristo descended into the courtyard , walked all over the house , without giving any sign of approbation or pleasure , until he entered his bedroom , situated on the opposite side to the closed room ; then he approached a little piece of furniture , made of rosewood , which he had noticed at a previous visit . " that can only be to hold gloves , " he said
    他的卧室就在那个关闭着的房间的对面,他一踏进卧室,就指着他初次来看房子时就已注意到的那张花梨木小桌子的抽屉说道: “那个地方至少可以用来放我的手套。 ”


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