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bad business中文是什么意思

用"bad business"造句"bad business"怎么读"bad business" in a sentence


  • 营业不利
  • "bad"中文翻译    bad2 〔古语〕 bid 的过去式。
  • "business"中文翻译    n. 1.事务,业务;事,事业,行业,工作。 2.实业; ...
  • "a bad business" 中文翻译 :    麻烦事, 不幸的事
  • "bad business application division" 中文翻译 :    商业应用软件部
  • "make the best of a bad business" 中文翻译 :    尽力把损失减到最小
  • "bad" 中文翻译 :    adj. (worse worst ) 1.坏的,恶的,歹的,不好的,不道德的。 2.不正确的,错误的。 3.不中用的;低劣的;拙劣的。 4.不利的;有害的。 5.腐败的;臭的。 6.痛的,病的,不舒服的。 7.使人不愉快的;懊恼的。 8.严重的,厉害的。 9.【法律】不成立的;空名的。 a bad blunder 大错。 a bad conductor 不良导体。 a bad conscience (做坏事后的)内疚。 a bad guess 猜错。 a bad light 不充足的亮度,不适当的见解。 a bad year 不景气的一年。 bad for the health 损害健康的。 bad for the stomach 伤胃的。 bad habits 坏习惯。 bad pains 剧痛。 Bad drives cause bad accidents. 技术差的司机往往造成严重事故。 That's too bad. 那太糟了;那太可惜了;那真过意不去。 bad actor 〔口语〕坏人;难对付的动物;惯犯。 bad blood 恨,恶感;敌对情绪。 bad coin 劣币。 bad check 空头支票。 bad debts 倒账,收不回来的债。 bad egg 坏蛋;〔俚语〕混蛋,坏人。 bad hat 〔俚语〕混蛋,坏蛋,歹徒。 bad language 骂人的话;下流话。 bad law 错误的定律。 bad lot (一个或一帮)坏家伙。 bad news 凶报,恶耗;〔美俚〕困难;麻烦的事;期票。 bad time 苦境。 bad trip 〔美俚〕(吸毒者的)恶性迷幻〔引起痛苦、恐怖的幻觉等〕。 bad woman 不正经的女人。 be [be taken] bad 有病[生病](be bad with gout 患痛风病)。 be bad at 不善于,…不行(be bad at figures 不擅长计算)。 be bad for 对…有害,不适宜于(Smoking is bad for health. 吸烟对身体有害)。 feel bad 觉得不舒服;有病。 feel bad about 为…感到懊悔,为…觉得遗憾 (feel bad about an error 为做错事感到懊悔)。 go bad (食物)变坏,腐败。 have a bad time (of it) 遭遇困难,倒楣,吃苦头。 in a bad way 〔口语〕情况很不好;不景气;(健康)可虑。 not (so, half) bad 不坏;不错(Not (so) bad. 还不错,还好。 The boy is not half bad. 这个男孩子还不错)。 n. 恶劣状态,恶;不幸,倒霉。 be in bad 〔美口〕倒楣;失宠 (with) (He is in bad with his father. 他爸爸不喜欢他了)。 (go) from bad to worse 越来越坏;每况愈下,变本加厉。 go to the bad 1. 变坏,堕落。 2. 衰败;落魄,一筹莫展。 3. 得病 (She wept at seeing her son go to the bad. 她为儿子的堕落痛哭流涕)。 to the bad 亏空,亏损,亏欠 (I am six pounds to the bad. 我亏损了六镑)。 with a bad grace 勉强地,风度不佳地(He took his defeat with a bad grace. 他对自己的失败表现得不够有风度)。 adv. 〔美口〕笨拙(Do you need money that bad 你那么缺钱用吗?)。 bad2 〔古语〕 bid 的过去式。
  • "be bad at" 中文翻译 :    不擅长; 拙于,不善于
  • "be bad for" 中文翻译 :    对…有害处; 对……有害的;有坏处的; 对什么有害; 有害于; 有坏处的
  • "in bad" 中文翻译 :    倒霉
  • "not bad" 中文翻译 :    不坏;不错; 还不错; 确实不错, 不坏, 不错
  • "to the bad" 中文翻译 :    亏损
  • "business" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.事务,业务;事,事业,行业,工作。 2.实业;商业,营业,买卖,交易;营业额,交易量;商情。 3.商店,企业,公司;事务所。 4.职责,本分;权利。 5.要事,要务;难事。 6.【戏剧】动作,表情。 7.(会议等的)议程。 business as usual 照常营业。 follow the business of 以…为业。 What line of business is he in 他是干什么的? His business is poultry farming. 他从事养鸡业。 hours of business[business hours] 营业[办公]时间。 do good [a great] business 生意好,赚钱[做大买卖]。 We shut up business at six. 我们六点钟停止营业。 depression of business商情不景气。 domestic [foreign] business国内[对外]贸易。 open a business 开店[开业]。 build [set] up a business开店,设商号。 His business is on the corner of Broadway and Elm street. 他的商号设在百老汇和埃尔姆街拐角的地方。 business centre 商业中心。 What a business it is! 实在麻烦!an awkward business麻烦事。 What is your business here 有什么事? It is none of your business. 不关你事,别管闲事。 I have business with him. 我跟他有要紧的事要谈。 It's your business to wash the dishes now. 现在该你洗碗碟了。 be doing good business with 和…关系不错。 business accounting unit 经济核算单位。 B- before pleasure. 正事要紧。 the business end 〔俚语〕(工具等)起作用的部分,使用[锐利]的一头 (the business end of a scythe 大镰刀的刀身。 the business end of a revolver 手枪的枪身)。 B- is business . 公事公办;生意是生意,交情归交情。 come [get] to business 动手做事;言归正传。 do sb.'s business = do the business for sb. 〔口语〕要某人的命(That much will be enough to do his business. 那就足够要他的命了。 This will do the business for him. 这会要他的命的)。 enter on [upon] business 开业。 Everybody's business is nobody's business . 人人负责,结果无人负责。 get down to business 认真干起来。 get [give] the business 〔美俚〕(被)粗暴地对待;(被)作弄。 go about one's business 做自己的事;〔常作命令式〕(Go about your business. 去你的,走开)。 go into business 入实业界做生意。 go out of business 停业;改行。 go to business 上班。 Good business! 干得好!妙极了! have no business to do [say] sth. 没有做[说]某事的权利[道理]。 (You have no business coming into this house. 你没有进这个屋子的权利。 The weather has no business to be so warm in winter. 冬天的气候不该这样暖和)。 know one's business 精通本行。 like nobody's business 〔口语〕特别地。 make business of 以…为业。 make a great business of it 觉得难办[棘手],甚觉麻烦。 make the business for 了结。 man of business 1. 实业家;事务家。 2. 商业[法律]代理人 (He is a man of business. 他是一个实业家。 He is her man of business. 他是她的商业[法律]代理人)。 mean business (行动、话等)是当真的(I mean business. 我是当真的,不是说笑。 By the fire in his eyes we know that he meant business. 从他愤怒的眼神中,我们看出他不是说着玩的)。 Mind your own business . 不要管闲事。 monkey business 〔美俚〕胡闹;欺骗。 on business 因公,有事,有要事(No admittance except on business. 非公莫入,闲人免进)。 out of business 破产,失业。 send sb. about his business 赶走某人;辞退[解聘]某人。 stick to one's business 专心做事。 talk business 说正经话,谈正经的。 adj. -like 1.事务式的;有条理的。 2.有效的,讲究实际的 (a business administration 有效的经营。 He did his work in a business way. 他踏踏实实地工作)。
  • "business this" 中文翻译 :    本周商业
  • "by-business" 中文翻译 :    兼业
  • "in business" 中文翻译 :    经商,经营; 在做买卖; 做生意
  • "on business" 中文翻译 :    出差办事; 忙于事业; 因工作,因上午; 因公,因事; 因公,公事; 因公事,因公务; 因公有事; 因事,因公; 在出差
  • "s business" 中文翻译 :    个体的企业知识
  • "the business" 中文翻译 :    黑帮生意
  • "this business" 中文翻译 :    这档子事
  • "a bad life a bad end" 中文翻译 :    结尾必定遭; 开头没开好
  • "not half bad or not so bad" 中文翻译 :    非正式用语
  • "business is business" 中文翻译 :    不能讲私情; 读书如交友; 工作就是工作; 含有“不讲私情”之意; 莫为灭鼠而焚屋; 事业在先; 是“公事公办”; 勿小题大作; 享乐在后; 应求少而精; 在商言商
  • "business to business" 中文翻译 :    商业对商业; 业务对业务
  • "business-business" 中文翻译 :    与企业
  • "business-to-business" 中文翻译 :    b2b; 企业对企业电子商务; 业务到业务


  • Its a bad business , eh ? whats a bad business , father
    “事情糟糕透了,不是吗? ”
  • A bad business this , madame , of gaspard s execution
  • There ' s a good chance he ' s caught up in some very bad business
  • It ' s bad business
  • Its a bad business , said the general , without answering him ; our men have been too slow
    “真糟糕, ”将军没有回答他的话,说道, “我们的军队磨蹭起来了。 ”
  • The trouble is that many companies claim to believe y while behaving as if x is true . and , as the book makes clear , this is a bad business
  • Good business letters help increase business and revenue ; bad business letters will end up costing your company money and losing business opportunities
  • Help a young baker show big bad business who s boss in this fast - paced treat ! when the retail behemoth " mega - mart " moves in , jill s beloved family bakery is forced to close
    蛋糕工坊之夏威夷店cake mania back to the bakery手忙脚乱的蛋糕房模拟经营类游戏,美女餐厅7蛋糕工坊的续作!
  • All the four above mentioned aspects were only the potential crises but the real reasons that caused its failure in the end were the warlords " chaotic wars and shanghai and tientsin branches " bad businesses
  • Taking action on the question of bad business practices in the use of debt collection agencies was , in my view , clearly within the ma s powers under section 7 , since it could threaten the reputation not only of the bank concerned but also of the banking system as a whole
    由于在聘用收数公司方面的不良经营手法,有可能损害银行以至整个银行体系的声誉,因此我认为金融管理专员很清楚可以根据第7 2条所赋予的权力采取行动。
用"bad business"造句  



Bad Business is a detective novel by Robert B. Parker first published in 2004.
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