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朝相反的方向驶去 drive off in the reverse dir...
朝着我们的目标迈步前进 step towards achieving our o...
朝秦暮楚 serve Qin in the morning and...
朝臣 courtier
朝见 have an audience with
朝觐 have an audience with go on ...
朝詈夕楚 beat and abuse sb. morning a...
朝贡 pay tribute
朝这个方向 in this direction
朝野 the court and the commonalty...
朝野一致 Both the ruling and oppositi...
朝野上下 the court above and the mass...
朝野之间 between the court and the po...
朝野各方人士 people of various circles,ei...
朝野清平 The whole land enjoyed tranq...
朝野震惊 Both the rulers and the peop...
朝闻夕改 quick reform of one's faults
朝闻夕死 One is even willing to die i...
朝阳 exposed to the sun
朝阳映红了东方的天空 The rising sun flames the ea...
朝阳渐升 The sun is rising on the hor...
朝阳花 sunflower
朝阳鸣凤 outspoken admonitions
朝雾渐渐地淡薄了 The morning mist gradually t...
朝霞 rosy clouds of dawn
朝霞映在湖面上 The glory of the dawn is mir...
朝霞映湖 The glory of the morning is ...
朝霞满天 The rosy colour of dawn spre...
朝露 morning dew
朝顶 make a pilgrimage to a templ...
朝餐夕宿 take one's meals by day and ...
朝饔夕飧 breakfast in the morning and...
朝鲜 Korea
朝鲜人 Korean
朝鲜位于中国东面 Korea lies to the east of Ch...
朝鲜南北两方 the North and the South of K...
朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江 Korea and China are separate...
朝鲜在日本以西 Korea lies west of Japan.
朝鲜工匠把这种艺能带到了日本 The Korean craftsmen took th...
朝鲜族 the Chaoxian nationality,dis...
朝鲜泡菜 kimchi
朝鲜语 Korean
朝齑暮盐 lead a hard life
a full year
期中 midterm
期中决算表 interim statements
期中审计 interim audit
期中报告 interim report
期中结帐 interim closing
期中考试 mid-term examination
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