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一会儿就得 It'll be ready in a minute. ...
一传手 first passer
一似瓮中捉鳖 be as easy as catching a tur...
一位不胜任的律师 an incompetent lawyer
一位优秀的教师必须了解儿童 A good teacher must understa...
一位住在阁楼上的穷诗人 a poor poet living in a garr...
一位力保桂冠的全国冠军 a national champion who look...
一位可敬的老干部 a respectable old cadre
一位境遇变化了的老友 an old friend in changed cir...
一位好看的姑娘 a good-looking girl
一位当地的农民领着游击队员穿过森林 A local peasant led the guer...
一位有多年党龄的老党员 a Communist Party member of ...
一位老人在拄着拐走路 An old man was walking with ...
一位能够生动地描绘风景的小说家 a novelist who can vividly d...
一体 an organic whole
一体化 integration
一体周知 be known to all
一体遵照 be observed by all
一侧优势 lateral dominance
一倡百和 One person proposes and a hu...
一倾积愫 pour out one's heart to sb.
一偏 one-sided
一偏之见 one-sided view
一做就错 Whatever one does goes wrong...
一傅众咻 One teaches him and all babb...
一僧一道 a Buddhist monk and a Taoist...
一元化 centralized
一元化领导 unified leadership
一元复始 the restart of the first
一元方程 equation with one unknown qu...
一元论 monism monophyletic theory
一党制 single-party system
一公斤重的砝码 a kilogram weight
一公里为二华里 One kilometre is equivalent ...
一公顷合十五市亩 A hectare is equal to 15 mu.
一共 altogether
一共多少人 How many people are there al...
一兵多用 a fighter with multiple skil...
一兵多能 a many-sided soldier
一具尸体 a corpse
一具座钟 a desk clock
一再 time and again
一再宣称 declare time and again
一再表示感谢 express one's gratitude agai...
一再警告某人 caution sb. repeatedly
一再蹉跎 let one opportunity after an...
一再高呼 shout again and again
一冬 one winter season
一决雌雄 fight a decisive battle
一准 sure
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