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他蹑着脚走出病房 He tiptoed out of the ward. ...
他蹚过那条小河 He waded across the stream. ...
他身上有股大蒜味 He stank of garlic. signific...
他身上透出一股英气 He shows a heroic spirit.
他身体不好使人十分担心 His ill health has been a ve...
他身体坏了 His health has broken down.
他身体欠佳 He is in poor health.
他身后无儿女 He left no children.
他身子很膗 He is very fat.
他身材矮小 He is short in stature. low
他身边有两个好徒弟 He has two good apprentices ...
他身高 7英尺. He tops 7 feet.
他躺在地毯上 He reclined on a rug.
他躺在血泊中 He lay weltering in blood.
他轻易地当选了 He won the election hands do...
他轻松地通过了跳高预赛 He has easily won the prelim...
他轻视所有的社会习俗 He sets at naught every conv...
他轻轻地摸了摸我的前额 He lightly touched my forehe...
他载誉返乡 He went home loaded with hon...
他较以前胖多了 He's much fatter than he use...
他辜负了朋友们的期望 He did not answer the expect...
他边工作边唱歌 He sang while working.
他边深呼吸边扩胸 He breathed deeply and expan...
他迅速地抽出一块手帕来包扎手指 He whipped out a handkerchie...
他迅速闪避到一旁 He made a sudden dodge aside...
他过于信赖自己的记忆力 He trusts to his memory too ...
他过分计较食物的烹调 He is fussy about the way hi...
他过着安逸的生活 He led an easy life.
他迈着大步行走 He walked with long strides.
他迎着危险勇往直前 He took his courage in both ...
他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气 He still retains the revolut...
他还是单身 He remains single.
他还是失败了 He failed after all. had bet...
他还是嫩得很 He is still too immature.
他还没有娶妻 He has not taken a wife.
他还真有办法 He really is resourceful
他还说了些我羞于启齿的话 He said other things I canno...
他还醒着呢 He is still awake.
他这一句话引得大家笑起来 His remark set everybody lau...
他这一说反把我弄糊涂了 His explanation only made me...
他这不是故意作践人吗 Didn't he say that just to r...
他这个人不爱言语 He is a man of few words.
他这个人信得过 He is a person one can trust...
他这个人做事比较马虎 He's a rather careless fello...
他这个人做事豪放不羁 He is vigorous and unrestrai...
他这个人很沉闷 He's rather withdrawn.
他这个人总是打错算盘 He always miscalculates.
他这个人是不好惹的 He's not a man to be trifled...
他这个人有了一点成绩就得意忘形 His head is easily turned by...
他这个人有了一点成绩就飘飘然了 His head is easily turned by...
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