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先手棋 an offensive move
先打后拉 first attack and then cajole
先挖潜后新建 give priority to tapping exi...
先探探他的口风 Sound him out first.
先搭好架子再着手写论文 make an outline before you w...
先摸摸事情的原因 try to get at the reason
先放一放 lay it aside for the moment
先斩后奏 behead sb. first then make a...
先是 former
先期 earlier on
先期交款 advanced contribution
先期公布 have published in advance
先期到达 have arrived at an earlier d...
先期承兑 anticipated acceptance
先来先给 First come,first served.
先来后到 in order of arrival
先河 the saying that the river is...
先泼点儿水再扫 Sprinkle some water before y...
先泽 benefits from one's ancestor
先烈 martyr
先父 my late father earlier on
先生 teacher mister
先生知其事否 Do you know about that matte...
先睹为快 be all eagerness to see it
先知 a person of foresight prophe...
先知先觉 having foresight
先破后立 destroy first and then estab...
先礼后兵 try fair means before resort...
先端 tip
先纵后擒 give line and scope
先给他退热再说 First bring down his tempera...
先考 deceased father a surname
先苦后乐 be the first to bear hardshi...
先著祖鞭 give a lead
先行 go ahead of the rest
先行主语 anticipatory subject
先行准备 make preparations beforehand
先行官 commander of an advance unit
先行者 foregoer
先行通知 notify in advance
先见 foreknowledge
先见之明 prophetic vision
先觉 one who becomes awakened ear...
先贤 wise men
先轸 Xian Zhen
先辈 elder generation
先辈遗训 teachings of our ancestors
先过秤 weigh first
先进 advanced
先进个人 advanced individual
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