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双线摆 bifilar pendulum
双线电缆 paired cable
双线电路 two-wire circuit
双线笔 road pen
双线系统 two-wire system
双线索道 bicable tramway
双线线路 two-wire circuit
双线绕组 bifilar winding
双线路轨 double-track railway
双线阻流圈 bifilar choke
双组成物体 doublet
双绉 elephant crepe
双经布 dosuti
双经织物 grog
双绕变压器 double-wound transformer
双绕式灯丝 double coil filament
双绕扼流圈 bifilar choke
双绕无感线圈 bifilar coil
双绕线圈 double-wound coil
双绕组 duplex winding
双绕组会聚磁铁 dual winding convergence mag...
双绕组变压器 two-winding transformer
双绕组电枢 double winding armature
双缀条 double latticing
双缆索道 bicable ropeway
双缸发动机 double-cylinder engine
双缸泵 duplex pump
双翼机 biplane
双翼水上飞机 hydro-biplane
双翼飞机 biplane
双耳刀 "阝",one of the Chinese chara...
双耳受话器 bi-telephone
双耳听觉 binaural
双耳声定位 binaural sound localization
双耳长颈高瓶 loutrophoros
双职工 man and wife both at work
双职工家庭 two-job family
双联 duplex
双联印刷 two-up
双联印刷机 tandem press
双联合同 indented deed
双联夹 double couplers
双联本印刷 come-and-go
双联梳棉机 duo-cards
双联汇票 drafts in duplicate
双联泵 double pump
双联炉 duplex furnace
双联炼钢 duplex steelmaking
双联熔炼 double melting
双联电容器 dual capacitor
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