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turban used in ancient China
women's headgear
帽兜 balaclava
帽内金属防护帽 hat piece
帽圈 hatband
帽型封装 top package
帽型管壳 top type package
帽套 cap sleeve
帽子 cap
帽子戴歪了 have one's hat on askew
帽子耷拉着 one's cap slouches
帽子被风刮掉了 The cap was blown off.
帽带 hatband
帽式绷带 capeline
帽形圈 hat washer
帽形孔板 hat orifice
帽形密封 hat seal
帽形起重机 helmet crane
帽徽 cap insignia
帽料 hatting
帽木 cap-piece
帽材 cap strip
帽架 hatstand
帽柱木亭 mitraciliatine
帽柱木文 mitrajavine
帽柱木碱 mitragynine
帽楦 blockhead
帽模 hat cone
帽檐 the brim of a hat
帽檐儿 the visor of a cap
帽檐工 roper
帽灯 cap-lamp
帽片 paste
帽状体 calyptra
帽状腱膜 galea
帽状阀 bonnet valve
帽盒 hat box
帽盔儿 skullcap
帽盖 cap
帽盖支柱 millpost
帽盖装脚式绝缘子 cap-and-pin insulator
帽章 cocarde
帽管 capped pipe
帽细胞 cap cell
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