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悬浊液 turbid liquid
悬浮 suspension
悬浮体 suspension
悬浮固体 suspended
悬浮尘 airborne dust
悬浮火车 aerotrain
悬空 hang in the air
悬空索道 aerial conveyer
悬索 span wire
悬索桥 suspension bridge
悬索结构 suspension structure
悬索铁路 suspension cable railway
悬而未决 be undecided
悬而未决的争端 unsettled dispute
悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue
悬肠挂肚 cause extreme worry and dist...
悬腕 with the wrist raised
悬臂 cantilever
悬臂桥 cantilever bridge
悬臂梁 over hanging beam
悬臂起重架 boom cat
悬赏 offer a reward
悬赏缉拿 put a price on sb.
悬赏缉拿逃犯 offer a reward for the captu...
悬赏首级 set a price on sb.'s head
悬隔 be separated by a great dist...
悬隔天地 as wide apart as heaven and ...
悬雍垂 uvula
悬首 display chopped-off head
悬首城门 display the chopped-off head...
悬驼就石 put the trivial above the im...
悭吝 stingy
悭吝人 miser
be at a loss for words
悱恻 laden with sorrow
悲不自胜 be overcome with grief
悲从中来 overcome by feeling of sorro...
悲伤 sad
悲伤得痛哭起来 sorrow out with tears
悲凉 sad and dreary
悲切 mournful
悲剧 tragedy
悲剧重演 the repeated performance of ...
悲叹 sigh mournfully
悲叹不已 sigh with sadness without st...
悲哀 grieved
悲哀无度 carry one's grief to excess
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