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抗磨铸铁 antifriction cast iron
抗磨镀层 wear-resistant coating
抗礼 equal
抗税 refuse to pay tax
抗紫外线 uvioresistant
抗维生素 antivitamin
抗美援朝 the war to resist U.S. aggre...
抗美援朝战争 the war to resist U.S. aggre...
抗美援朝运动 campaign to resist U.S. aggr...
抗老化剂 inhibitor
抗肿瘤药 antineoplastic
抗腐蚀 resistant to corrosion
抗腐蚀掩膜 etching mask
抗致癌物 anticarcinogen
抗节不附 uphold one's high principles...
抗药性 resistance to drugs
抗药性因子 resistance factor
抗菌 antibiosis
抗菌剂 germifuga
抗菌素 antibiotics
抗菌素测定 antibiotic assay
抗菌素谱 antibioticogram
抗蚀 against corrosion
抗蚀剂 slushing compound
抗蚀力 tarnish resistance
抗蚀性 corrosion stability
抗蚀油 slushing oil
抗蚀涂层 etch-resistant coating
抗血清 antiserum
抗衡 act as a counterweight to
抗衰落 anti-fading
抗衰落天线 anti-fading antenna
抗衰落系统 anti-fading system
抗议 protest
抗议书 written protest
抗议书像雪片似的飞来 Written protests poured in.
抗议游行 protest march
抗议照会 note of protest
抗议的声浪 a wave of protest
抗议的浪潮 tidal waves of protest
抗议集会 protest rally
抗诉 counterappeal
抗辐射 radioresistance radiation ha...
抗辐射剂 anti-rad
抗辐射工艺 radiation hardening process
抗辐射性 radio resistance
抗辩 contradict
抗辩者 opposing counsel
抗过敏反应 antianaphylaxis
抗过敏性 antianaphylaxis
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