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歧义 different meanings
歧例 ambiguous case
歧出 inconsistent
歧异 difference
歧管 divided manifold
歧视 discriminate against
歧视性 discriminatory
歧视性待遇 discriminatory treatment
歧视性措施 discriminatory measures
歧视性法律 discriminatory law
歧视性货币措施 discriminatory currency prac...
歧路 branch road
歧路亡羊 a lamb going astray at a for...
歧路徘徊 hesitate at the crossroads
歧途 wrong road
歧途亡羊 A lamb goes astray on a fork...
歧途傍徨 be depressed at the crossroa...
歪七扭八 twist around
歪嘴 wry-mouthed
歪念头 evil ideas
歪戴帽子 cock one's hat
歪才 talent of working out crooke...
歪打正着 hit the mark by a fluke
歪扭 skew
歪斜 askew
歪曲 distort
歪曲事实 distort the facts
歪曲事实的人 twister
歪曲事实真相 give a false account of the ...
歪曲作者原意 misrepresent the author's me...
歪曲别人的话 twist people's words
歪曲原文 pervert the text
歪曲真相 perversion of truth
歪歪扭扭 crooked
歪着头 turn one's head sideways
歪缠 pester unjustifiably
歪诗 inelegant verses
歪门邪道 crooked ways
歪风 evil wind
歪风邪气 unhealthy tendencies
歹人 evil person
歹徒 scoundrel
歹徒呼啸而遁 The hooligans broke up amids...
歹徒扎死了一名无辜者 The gangster stabbed an inno...
歹心 evil intent
歹意 malice
歹收场不如好收场 A good ending is preferable ...
歹毒 vicious
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