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浮沤 bubbles on water surface gul...
浮法 float glass process
浮法玻璃 float glass
浮泛 vague
浮浅 superficial
浮渣 tailing
浮游 swim
浮游动物 pelagian
浮游植物 phytoplankton
浮游生物 plankton
浮灰 dust on the surface
浮点 floating decimal
浮点软件包 floating-point package
浮现 appear before one's eyes
浮现眼前 rise before one's eyes
浮现笑容 One's face lit up with a smi...
浮现脑海 arise in one's mind
浮瓜沉李 floating melons and plums su...
浮生若梦 Man's life is like a dream.
浮皮儿 epidermis
浮皮潦草见 "肤皮潦草"
浮石 pumice
浮码头 floating pier
浮秤 areometer densimeter
浮空学 aerostation
浮筒 bowl
浮签 a note pasted on the margin ...
浮纹面纱 yashmak
浮翳内障 floating opacity
浮翼水上飞机 float-wing seaplane
浮而不实 giddy and insincere
浮肿 edema
浮膜 epistasis
浮船 pontoon
浮船坞 floating dock
浮艳 flowery diction,but flat con...
浮花刺绣 arckhal
浮荡 float in the air
浮莱 a surname
浮莱清 Fulai Qing
浮萍 duckweed
浮薄 superficial movable
浮表 float gage
浮言 baseless talk
浮记 keep a temporary account fli...
浮语虚辞 brag
浮说游词 unfounded statement
浮财 movable property
浮货 waveson
浮起 assurgent
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