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燎原 set the prairie ablaze
燎原之势 the force of a prairie fire
燎原大火 wildland fire
燎原烈火 a blazing prairie fire
燎泡 blister raised by a burn or ...
燎猪毛 singe hog's hair
Yan,a state in the Zhou Dyna...
燕侣莺俦 a happy married couple
燕凌 Yan Ling
燕妒莺惭 make the gaudy swallows and ...
燕婉之欢 harmonious happiness between...
燕婉之求 demand for an ideal husband
燕子 swallow
燕子含泥垒大窝 slow but steady
燕子呢喃 The swallow twitters.
燕子在冬天移栖 Swallows migrate in winter.
燕子擦着树梢飞过 The swallow shaved the top o...
燕子自由自在地飞翔 Swallows fly about,carefree ...
燕子衔泥筑窠 Swallows carry bits of earth...
燕子躜天儿 The swallow dashed through t...
燕尔新婚 marital happiness
燕尾 forked tail
燕尾服 swallowtail
燕山地壳运动 Yanshan diastrophism
燕山是北京的天然屏障 The Yanshan Hills provide a ...
燕巢幕上 a swallow's nest in a tent -...
燕式跳水 swallow dive
燕燕于飞 deeply attached to each othe...
燕窝 bird's- nest
燕翅 swallow-wing
燕翼贻谋 hand down a good plan to pos...
燕隼 hobby
燕雀 brambling
燕雀处堂 swallows and sparrows nestin...
燕雀安知鸿鹄之志 How can a common fellow read...
燕雀相贺 offer congratulations on the...
燕颔虎颈 a noble look
燕鱼 Spanish mackerel
燕鸥 tern
燕鸥岛 ternery
燕麦 oats
燕麦片 rolled oats
燕麦饼 parkin
a word used in person's name
燠热 hot and suffocating
燥剂 drying prescription
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