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货物品种齐全 have a good assortment of go...
货物将用卡车运往大连 The goods will be carried by...
货物已交铁路托运 The goods have been consigne...
货物已如期运到 The goods arrived on schedul...
货物已经出手了 The goods have been disposed...
货物已起运 The goods are on their way.
货物托运 consignment of goods
货物检查 examination of cargo
货物正在迅速地积聚起来 Goods are accumulating rapid...
货物残损检验 inspection on damaged cargo
货物流通 cargo movement
货物清单 a detailed list of goods
货物种类 type of merchandise
货物运单 way-bill
货物齐备 have a variety of goods
货畅其流 smooth flow of goods
货真价实 genuine goods at a fair pric...
货真价实的骗子 an out-and-out swindler
货箱 packing box
货舱 hold
货船 freighter
货船推驳船队 freighter pushed barge combi...
货色 goods
货色硬 goods of high quality
货色繁多 many varities of goods
货色软 poor-quality goods easily mo...
货色齐全 Goods of every description a...
货车 goods train
货轮 freighter
货运 freight transport
货运业务 freight service
货运公司 transport company
货运列车 goods train
货运单 waybill
货运单据 shipping documents
货运周转量 rotation volume of goods tra...
货运码头 cargo terminal
货运索赔 freight claim
货运费 shipping cost
货运量 haul
货运集装箱 freight container
货运额 volume of goods transported
货郎 itinerant pedlar
货郎担 loads of goods carried on a ...
货郎鼓 a drum-shaped rattle
货问三家 to shop around and compare t...
质优价廉 super quality and competitiv...
质变 qualitative change
质地 quality
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