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这部机器是以其发明者的名字命名的 The machine is named after i...
这部机器是用水蒸气推进的 This machine is driven by st...
这部电影很叫座 The film draws well.
这部电影很有看头 This film is well worth seei...
这部电影既不企图使用戏剧化的手法也不企图进行说教 The film attempts neither to...
这部电影是我姐姐的主角 My sister plays the leading ...
这部电影获一九八五年奥斯卡金像奖 The film won an Oscar award ...
这部电梯运转不正常 The elevator is not operatin...
这部色情影片一出笼出漏子 in trouble
这部著作不愧为中国新文化运动的丰碑 This book is a monumental wo...
这部著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白 The work fills a gap which h...
这部著作是现代科学发展史上著名的里程碑之一 The book stands out as one o...
这部记录片生动地再现了这场伟大的战役 This great battle was vividl...
这部词典已彻底修订过 The dictionary has been comp...
这部词典正在审订之中 The dictionary is under exam...
这部词典里的释义简明扼要 The explanation in this dict...
这部辞典将扩充到一千五百页 The dictionary will be enlar...
这都是我们厂的新产品 These are new products from ...
这都是我惹的祸 It was I who started all the...
这酒不够劲儿 The liquor is not strong eno...
这酒后劲大 This wine has a strong delay...
这酒在世界上享有盛名 The wine is in high repute w...
这酒是兑了水的 The wine has been watered.
这酒鬼又开始胡言乱语了 The drunkard began to rave a...
这里 here
这里乘车很便当 We can easily take a bus her...
这里冬天风沙很大 It's very windy and dusty he...
这里发生了巨大的变化 Tremendous changes have take...
这里只举一个例子就够了 Here a single example will s...
这里四季长春 Spring is with us all the ye...
这里太湿了 There is too much damp.
这里展销的尽是新产品 All the exhibits for sale he...
这里有很好的草地供你们放牧牛马 There is good grassland here...
这里条件比较艰苦 Conditions are rather tough ...
这里正筹划建设一座水力发电站 Plans are being drawn up to ...
这里热得厉害 It's terribly hot here.
这里电视节目的接收情况不佳 Reception of TV programmes i...
这里白天和夜晚的温差很大 The temperature here varies ...
这里的人们由于自然灾害而穷不聊生 The people here are reduced ...
这里的土质很松 The soil here is very loose....
这里的棉花产量为全国之冠 This area ranks first in the...
这里的竹楼都是架空的 The bamboo huts here are all...
这里的粮食亩产量是多少 What is the per mu yield of ...
这里的美丽风光把游客们迷住了 The scenic beauty of the pla...
这里的规矩是这样的 The custom here is this.
这里真闷 The air here is terribly clo...
这里肉类供应充足 There is a good supply of me...
这里肯定少了一个字 Surely,there's a word missin...
这里脱漏了一句 A sentence is left out here.
这里脱漏了一行 A line is missing here.
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