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用"deckhouse"造句"deckhouse"怎么读"deckhouse" in a sentence


  • 舱面船室
  • 舱面室
  • 甲板室


  • Checking structure integrity of superstructure ( deckhouse ) after welding
  • In 1967 , us marines and south vietnamese troops launched operation " deckhouse five ( v ) , " an offensive in the mekong river delta
    1967年,美国海军陆战队和南越军队联合在湄公河三角洲发动了一场代号为"甲板- 5 "的军事行动
  • This small fast boat is made of steel , round bilge , single continuous deck , longitudinal framing all - welded structure , five propellers , four rudders with aluminum - welded deckhouse
  • The boat is built of steel hull , aluminum - welded deckhouse , round bilge , transom stern , single continuous deck , longitudinal framing , four engines , four rudders and diesel engine driven
  • This ship is built of steel , double propellers , double rudders , raked stem , transom stern , two longitudinally continuous decks and four - storey deckhouse with the engineroom located in midship , driven by diesel engines
  • The yacht is built of steel hull , all - welded , transverse framing , the deckhouse is built of aluminum alloy welded , super - shallow draft , c w double decks , the upper layer is promenade deck and raised deck on aft engineroom , water jet propulsion , central air - conditioning
  • This vessel is a steel cruiser of all - welded construction , two - layer deckhouse , catamaran , double engines , double propellers , double rudders and round bilge , with two semi - hulls connected by bridge , transverse framing for main hull , and longitudinal and transverse composite framing for the superstructure deck . the outlook is matched with the modern buildings and greening overview on both sides of the pearl river . the interior decoration layout is characterized by the multi - functions , luxury , comfort , catering and recreation
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