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用"exothermal"造句"exothermal"怎么读"exothermal" in a sentence"exothermal"的同义词


  • 放热的;生热的
  • 热进化


  • The most important exothermal reactions in the crust can be expected from the chemical transformations of sulfides .
  • At the some time , the reaction between ti and al also is an exothermal reaction , so the inner energy is increased sharply which prompt al3ti to decompose and the diffusion rate of ti toward graphite particles and the decrease the inoculation tune
  • Before 900 c , ti reacts with al to form tial intermetallics ; above 900 c , c reacts with remain ti to form tic triggered by the exothermal reaction of ti and al ; tial reacts with tic to produce dense tial / ti2alc composites
    间的放热反应引发c和未反应完全的ti反应生成tic ; tiai金属间化合物和tic反应并合成致密tiai / tizaic复合材料。通过保温阶段, tizaic长成层状多品结构,同时复合材料致密化。
  • Abstract : the preparation conditions of unsaturated polyester ( up ) resins modified by pet were introduced in this paper . the copolymerization mechanisms of the synthesis of up resins from cis - and trans - anhydride were researched . the relationship between the modified resins activities and the structure of unsaturated acids were also discussed . the reason for the differences of the exothermal curves of the two resin systems was that the activity of the cis - and trans - unsaturated bonds was different from each other


  • (of a chemical reaction or compound) occurring or formed with the liberation of heat
    同义词:exothermic, heat-releasing,

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