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用"finalisations"造句"finalisations"怎么读"finalisations" in a sentence


  • finalisation
  • n.
  • finalise的变形
  • finalise
  • ['fain?laiz]
  • vt.
  • [英语英语] = finalize
  • 变形:
  • vt.
  • finalised
  • . finalising


  • The consultation period on the latest proposals will last until the end of may 2001, with a view to finalisation by the end of the year
  • Upon finalisation, the report would be submitted to the apec finance and central bank deputies meeting to be held on 26-27 august in wellington, new zealand
  • As land formation is a lengthy process, land bank must be established . there is no need to wait for finalisation of specific land requirements before commencement of work
  • By signing this term sheet, the seller constitutes a commitment to the above transaction, which is only subject to acceptable outcome of buyer's due diligence, internal credit approval, and finalisation of satisfactory documentation
  • The detailed design for central reclamation phase 3, which connects central reclamation phases 1 and 2 with wan chai reclamation phase i, was completed in mid-1997 . implementation of this phase is under review subject to the finalisation of the statutory plan
  • The second situation applies to taxpayers who object to tax assessments and are required to purchase tax reserve certificates in respect of the tax in dispute . such certificates are used to settle any tax found payable upon the finalisation of the objection or appeal
  • We understand that the ha board has taken the view that the panel had not carried out the process of verification of facts with some interested parties concerned andor given these parties a reasonable opportunity to respond or comment before the finalisation of the report
  • Major changes or updates are not expected in 2003 pending the finalisation of pillar 3 of the new basel capital accord and the adoption of international accounting standards on financial instruments in hong kong, both of which would entail significant changes in disclosure requirements
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