- « Cognitive abilities and school performance of extremely low birthweight children and matched term controls at age 8 years: a regional study », Journal of Pediatrics, vol.
- Un comité consultatif national, formé de membres de l'ACCVA et de la Canadian Abilities Foundation ainsi que d'experts en matière de toxicomanie, supervisera tous les volets du projet.
- Cherroret, G., Bernuzzi, V., Desor, D., Hutin, M.-F., Burnel, D. et Lehr, P.R. Effects of postnatal aluminum exposure on choline acetyltransferase activity and learning abilities in the rat.
- Alternatively, on Windows Vista, the gadget can detect that WPF is available and take advantage of its graphical abilities to display in a different way from the web.
- BRIDGING PROGRAM Set of courses designed specifically to provide a person who already possesses certain qualifications with the additional abilities and knowledge required for admission into a specific program.
- Our findings indicate there are differences in the abilities of endothelial cells of different anatomical origins to release nitric oxide derived relaxing factors in response to ACh and BK.
- Ce site de la Canadian Abilities Foundation offre une base de données sur les programmes, les services et les renseignements offerts aux personnes handicapées par des organismes non gouvernementaux.
- McMichael, A.J., Baghurst, P.A., Wigg, N.R., Vimpani, G.V., Robertson, E.F. et Roberts, R.J. Port Pirie cohort study: environmental exposure to lead and children’s abilities at the age of four years.
- McMichael, A.J., Baghurst, P.A., Wigg, N.R., Vimpani, G.V., Robertson, E.F. et Roberts, R.J. Port Pirie cohort study: environmental exposure to lead and children's abilities at the age of four years.
- Référence de Brad Brummel The candidate has excellent abilities in this area.
Canadian Postal Museum project was complex, in that it was space requiring public access with various displays and artifacts.
- It's difficult to see abilities in a sentence. 用abilities造句挺难的
- NOTE A design is said to be barrier-free when an environment contains no architectural design or psychological features that might prevent people from using the environment to the full extent of their abilities.
- • Le site Guide d'accès Canada dont s'occupe la Canadian Abilities Foundation renferme des listes de services accessibles d'un peu partout au Canada, dont des services de transport et des gares de voyageurs.
- The economic success of a person with access to microfinance might be an endogenous variable, namely if the only people that access microfinance facilities are precisely those with personal abilities and attitudes to succeed.
- Miller believes that our minds evolved not as survival machines, but as courtship machines, and proposes that the human mind's most impressive abilities are courtship tools, which evolved to attract and entertain sexual partners.
- Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé Ministère de la Santé SAIL fournit du financement à l’INCA Administré par le Saskatchewan Abilities Council en vertu d’un contrat avec SAIL S.O.
- Des membres de l’Association canadienne des paraplégiques, de l’Institut national canadien pour les aveugles, de LakeCity WoodWorkers, de Abilities Foundation of Nova Scotia ainsi que des représentants de divers groupes consultatifs seront également de la partie.
- Nom du projet
Saskatchewan Abilities Council — Fournir des soutiens culturels Résumé du projet
Ce projet a élaboré des soutiens culturels axés dans la communauté pour les clients autochtones inscrits au Programme des blessures acquises au cerveau du conseil.
- Human Factors in this context is based on traditional broad definitions of a science that uses knowledge of human abilities and limitations to enhance the design of organizations and systems for safe, efficient, and reliable human use.
- 5780 Groleau Robertsonville QC G6H 4M2 F,Emb.,Éti. 22-Sep-08 Sascopack Custom Packaging 106 Melville Street Saskatoon SK S7J 0R1 F,Emb.,Éti. 27-Oct-08 Saskatchewan Abilities Council - Saskatoon Branch 1410 Kilburn Avenue Saskatoon SK H4R 2G7 Emb.,Éti. 04-Jan-08 Sato Pharmaceutical Canada, Inc.