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eating disorders造句

"eating disorders"是什么意思  
  • Pictures of her looking decidedly gaunt began to circulate and there was speculation about whether she had developed an eating disorder
  • The findings , published in the international journal of eating disorders , suggest that for some heay children , dieting can backfire
    这些发表在“国际饮食失调”上的发现暗示节食对于一些超重儿童会导致“逆火” 。
  • The findings , published in the international journal of eating disorders , suggest that for some heavy children , dieting can backfire
    这些发表在“国际饮食失调”上的发现暗示节食对于一些超重儿童会导致“逆火” 。
  • In that respect , you could say that men are finally starting to catch up with women , who have been suffering from eating disorders for decades
  • Despite concerns over eating disorders in young women and teenage girls , some fashion experts feel that banning skinny models is not the answer
  • This is relevant to body image and eating disorders because both sides of the brain appear to play a role in a person ' s perception of his or her own body
  • Try to take the focus off food and weight . the person with the eating disorder is already likely to be excessively focused on food and weight issues
  • Belinda dalton , director of eating disorders clinic the oak house , said eating with family helped " normalise " young people ' s relationship with food
    “橡树屋”饮食紊乱诊所主任比琳达?达尔顿说,与家人一起吃饭有助于促进年轻人的饮食“正常化” 。
  • The person with the eating disorder needs to learn to co - exist with food and other people , rather than others learning to co - exist with the eating disorder
  • New york ( reuters health ) dec 22 - topiramate is safe and effective in the treatment of sleep - related eating disorder ( sred ) , according to a recent study
    纽约(路透社健康部) 12月22日-一项新的研究表明,托吡酯是一种安全、有效的治疗夜食症的药物。
  • It's difficult to see eating disorders in a sentence. 用eating disorders造句挺难的
  • Individuals with conditions such as mental illness , low self - esteem , panic and anxiety , eating disorders , dysfunctional learning and relationships are treated
  • Madrid ' s fashion week has turned away underweight models after protests that young girls and women were trying to copy their rail - thin looks and developing eating disorders
  • And girls who ate with their parents ate more calories ? up to 14 percent more , suggesting that dining alone puts girls at higher risk for eating disorders
    此外,和家长一起进餐的女孩摄取较多的卡洛里,高出了约14 % ,这也表示了单独用餐的女孩较有饮食失调的危机。
  • Despite an increase in the incidence and understanding of eating disorders , many people live with these disorders for a long time without treatment or a clinical diagnosis
  • The problems considered included nervous anxiety and uncontrolled anger . others were such things as eating disorders and disorders related to the use of alcohol and illegal drugs
  • With chapters covering nutritional deficiencies in both developing and affluent countries as well as eating disorders and obesity , this latest edition has worldwide relevance
  • People who are strongly right - handed might be more vulnerable to distorted body image and eating disorders than those who are more adept at using both hands , a new study suggests
  • The findings follow a worldwide outcry over the fashion industry ' s promotion of the stick - thin images which critics say contribute to eating disorders in young women
    此前,全球范围内兴起了一股针对时装业的“反瘦风” ,一些批评人士认为时装业所倡导的纤瘦外型会导致年轻女性患上饮食失调。
  • The findings follow a worldwide outcry over the fashion industry ' s promotion of the stick - thin images which critics say contribute to eating disorders in young women
    此前,全球范围内兴起了一股针对时装业的“反瘦风” ,一些批评人士认为时装业所倡导的纤瘦外型会导致年轻女性患上饮食失调。
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