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  • It also gives the results of simulation and experiment . the comparision of the two transformers shows that the flyback rotating converter can just transform signal or low power while the fullbridge one conducts the larger
  • The novel system has two - novelty points comparing to tradional system . the first , this system configuration is consisted of a new type of compound flyback converter , bi - directional high frequency rectifier , high frequency filter and controller
  • To reduce voltage stress of power switch in the flyback - forward converter , a novel two - transister flyback - forward converter is present in this paper . by adjusting the turns ratio of forward and flyback transformer we can distribute the delivering power of forward and flyback transformer
  • These two methods can alleviate the inrush current . this paper research voltage and current close - loop control flyback converter and isolated boost converter with peak current mode pwm controller . the start process of flyback converter is divided into three stages : inrush current , current regulating and voltage regulating stages
    分析了两个起动过程: 1 )电压电流双闭环控制flyback变换器的起动过程,可分为电流过冲阶段,电流调节器调节阶段和电压调节器调节阶段三个阶段。
  • 1 ) the transformer leakage inductance will cause surge voltage across the switches . two clamp circuits are combined to solve this problem : lcd clamp circuit , in which the voltage across clamp capacitor is no reverse ; flyback clamp circuit , which consists of an additional flyback winding coupled with the boost inductor and a diode connected to the output terminal
    本文综合了两种箝位电路: 1 ) lcd箝位电路,箝位电容上电压不反向; 2 )通过增加一个与升压电感耦合的反激线圈和一个连接到输出电容的整流二极管,构成反激箝位电路。
  • The detailed theoretical analysis of this novel interleaved flyback converter and the key design process are described , the functions of the clamping capacitor are analyzed , the little signal model of the presented converter is established and the stability of the voltage - controlled system is discussed . at last , a prototype based on the novel interleaved flyback converter is accomplished and experimentally verified
  • Compared to the traditional converter , the new one can transform electric power from a static part to a rotary part without an electrocircuit connection , which makes the contactless power transform come true . one application of this converter is to supply a steady and regulable excitation circuit for synchronous generator by integrated its second winding with the motor while its primary winding is static . the thesis gives two methods of the rotating converter design paticullarly : flyback and fullbridge , and explains how the circuits are designed
  • We took the high frequency flyback converter design as an example and made a calculation model of the total loss of the high frequency flyback transformer . on basis of the caculation model combined with the systemic method of designing dc - dc converter , and the method which is base on the current shape , is presented to achieve the appropriate parameters of the flyback transformer , an optimized approach to design high frequency dc - dc converter is given in this paper . the appropriate parameters were achieved by genetic algorithm . through this method , a practical high frequency flyback
    2 .在理论分析的基础上,以优化高频变压器的磁芯损耗和绕组损耗为目标,以单端反激式变压器为例建立了高频变压器的总损耗计算模型,在该损耗计算模型的基础上结合从系统角度设计dc - dc变换器的方法和考虑电感电流波形对变换器设计的影响,采用一种基于遗传算法的高频dc - dc变换器的优化设计方法,该优化方法实现是通过遗传算法计算得到设计参数的最优取值。
  • It's difficult to see flyback in a sentence. 用flyback造句挺难的
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