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  • But women predominate in the lower - paying , menial , unrewarding , dead - end jobs , and when they do reach better positions , they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job
  • During any type of menial task that you dont really have to think about , where your mind can wander , you can meditate . you dont just have to sit in the lotus position and stare at a candle
  • Many of our early emigrants in europe , america and oceania ended up running restaurants or laundry - shops , or doing other menial work . now , in changed times , it is those well - equipped people who leave and make their homes in other lands
    早年,有不少移居到欧美大洋洲或其他国家者,都是开餐馆洗衣店干粗活等,然而,时代已经不同了,能够收拾包袱,远走他乡者,非有一定的本领不可,所谓“没有三两三,不敢上梁山” 。
  • The same lady pays for the education and clothing of an orphan from the workhouse , on condition that she shall aid the mistress in such menial offices connected with her own house and the school as her occupation of teaching will prevent her having time to discharge in person
  • Due to the influence from the lack of all - round objective self - perception , self - centeredness and negative values , and inadequate skills in interpersonal interaction , freshmen are found difficult in interpersonal interaction in practical life , and influenced in their , level of menial health
  • It's difficult to see menial in a sentence. 用menial造句挺难的
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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