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  • Although I suspect there is plenty of bone-marrow-and leukemia-related preposterousness here, my limited medical education precludes me from informed eyeball rolling.
  • My favorite piece of preposterousness wasn't the block of the potential game-winning field goal, by a team that blocks kicks about every global warming.
  • In fact, the success of Bond films depends on Bond's underplaying in the face of all the over-the-top preposterousness erupting around him.
  • The movie guys have helpfully put two and two together-- and anthropologists are already screaming their, um, heads off about the scenario's blatant preposterousness.
  • It is a sensibility of overriding smugness, a self-congratulatory disdain for both characters and audience that precludes any possibility of real understanding, substituting preposterousness for imagination.
  • But any time the plot slows down and allows you to think a little, a sense of preposterousness creeps in and draws down the rising water of suspended disbelief.
  • It prefigures the surreal preposterousness of Chamoiseau's Creole world, whose qualities, normal to its inhabitants, will seem as if viewed through a deforming lens by outsiders.
  • Critic Tim Knight, at Reel . com, notes that if the viewers can forget the " headlong dive into preposterousness, it's still a lot of fun ".
  • It will be weeks before federal officials are done sorting through the multiple layers of preposterousness that were the final 16 seconds of Sunday's Seahawks-Oilers game at the Kingdome.
  • Berkeley's great contribution ( picked up on later by Kant ) was to suggest the preposterousness of referencing absolute knowledge, given that all knowledge is gained through contingent sensory experience.
  • It's difficult to see preposterousness in a sentence. 用preposterousness造句挺难的
  • I know, the apocalypse would be, too, but Fincher exposes a dark comic side in the new film that nicely meshes with the plot's many improbabilities and fundamental preposterousness.
  • He lets the film's feverish preposterousness and adolescent existentialism wash over him without a moment's hesitation, handling the high-flown nonsense as if wrestling iambic pentameter into something communicable.
  • Some philosophers, such as Daniel Dennett in an essay titled " The Unimagined Preposterousness of Zombies ", argue that people who give this explanation do not really understand what they are saying.
  • Despite its preposterousness, the surprise revelation is the high point of Friday's episode, as Sterling discovers that, in an evenly split Senate, his declaration of independence gives him a lot of power.
  • When Slater drops from a helicopter to the roof of the high-speed train, the moment gets off on its own preposterousness, reveling in having crossed over the line to pure live-action comic strip.
  • The best preposterousness was that the man that caused the block that led to the recovery that went for a touchdown that made the Seahawks season and maybe ruined the Oilers'season was . . . Joe Nash.
  • Actually, deadness began to set in in January, when the NBA and the players'union settled their preposterousness and agreed to play the most invalid and esthetically absurd sports season since the 1987 NFL scab games.
  • Which is to say that " Die Hard with a Vengeance " not only thinks big, but marches ahead with such confidence under John McTiernan's direction that it can afford indulgent acknowledgments of its essential preposterousness.
  • Carlyle's heavy, yet another renegade Russian terrorist, is nowhere near the requisite larger-than-life preposterousness, not even when he suggestively inserts the golden shaft that is the nuclear warhead into a dangerous cylindrical receptacle.
  • A moment before the halftime buzzer, Hog center Dwight Stewart fetched a loose ball and flung in a 55-footer, a shot whose preposterousness in Tar Heel lore will be second only to any Dean Smith failure to become governor.
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