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  • Tannery machines - rotating process vessels - safety requirements ; german version en 13114 : 2002
  • Preparation of collagen from tannery wastes and its application in papermaking industry
  • Tannery machines - reciprocating roller machines - safety requirements ; german version en 972 : 1998
  • Research on treating tannery wastewater by using supported catalysts nanometer - sized tio2 on quartz sand
  • Tannery machines - splitting and bandknife shearing machines - safety requirements ; german version en 13112 : 2002
  • The drum is the cornerstone of modern tannery machines for tanning , retanning and dyeing
  • Since 1993 , the city has invested us200 million and built china xinji leather town and xinji tannery zone
    1993年来投资两亿美元建成了“中国辛集皮革城”和“辛集制革工业区” 。
  • Unless the price is cheep and the color requirement is not many , , otherwise , it is hardly used by general tannery
  • It is the largest environment tannery zone with high technology , first class products and advanced sewage disposal
  • Byproducts of the slaughterhouses for tanneries , soap , margarine . wonder if that dodge works now getting dicky meat off the train at clonsilla
  • It's difficult to see tannery in a sentence. 用tannery造句挺难的
  • Investment projects involve tannery , fur processing , leather chemicals and leather machinery . main projects are as below mentioned
  • Tannery belongs to typical industrial branches which during the technological process produce considerable quantities of liquid and solid wastes contributing to polluting the environment
  • Xinji tannery zone is located in the east suburb of xinji . it has been invested usd73 million . it covers nearly 100 hectares including 230 , 000 square meters building area
  • The enterprise of herbertz gmbh & co . kg offers you blanching measurer , machine cutters and tannery machine measuring device as well as the further diagonal cutting measurer and rift cutter
    Kg公司为您提供准确的、可靠的漂白测试仪,机用刀片(刀齿) 、机用切刀,切纸机、横切机刀。
  • Out of the open country , in again among ruinous buildings , solitary farms , dye - works , tanneries , and the like , cottages in twos and threes , avenues of leafless trees
  • There are 137 tanneries in the zone that can produce 30 million pieces sheep garment leather annually . the sales income amounts to usd 250 million and import value usd 50 million
    区内现有制革企业137家,年产中高档绵羊服装革3000万张,销售收入2 . 5亿美元, 2001年出口创汇5000万美元。
  • The village had its one poor street , with its poor brewery , poor tannery , poor tavern , poor stable - yard for relay of post horses , poor fountain , all usual poor appointments . it had its poor people too
  • The zone is divided into tannery zone , waste water disposal zone raw hide and skin market and administration zone . it has complete function , elegant environment , scientific administration and excellent service
  • Houses in twos and threes pass by us , solitary farms , ruinous buildings , dye - works , tanneries , and the like , open country , avenues of leafless trees . the hard uneven pavement is under us , the soft deep mud is on either side
  • But at present , there are little cow garment leather tanneries in china . every year large quantities of cow leather need to be imported to meet the great demand . so we are planning to promote foreign investment on this project
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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