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  • For centuries, hagiographers and historians have emphasized Ladislaus's prominent role in the consolidation of the Christian monarchy.
  • The exterior fresco mainly around the theme of the Final Judgement was apparently made by a hagiographer from nearby Koukouli.
  • Antiquaries, brehons, genealogiests and hagiographers, felt the need to collect ancient traditions before they were totally forgotten.
  • Ever since Washington's hagiographers invented the myth of the cherry tree, they have longed for virtue in them.
  • The 10th-century hagiographer Giorgi Merchule praises Guaram's dignities and refers to him as " the great ".
  • Picasso understood what he was ( a painter ), and what he was not, better than his hagiographers or detractors.
  • And don't forget the obligatory sit-down with Barbara Walters, television's official hagiographer for martyred celebrities.
  • Reagan's hagiographers, currently frolicking in celebration of his 90th birthday, now say he was lying about all this.
  • The New Catholic Encyclopedia states that " Ancient, medieval and early modern hagiographers were inclined to exaggerate the number of martyrs.
  • In the economic sphere, the Reagan hagiographers give him credit for things he intended that never happened, such as smaller government.
  • It's difficult to see hagiographers in a sentence. 用hagiographers造句挺难的
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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