painstaking effort造句
- This was done not only in words, but also in action . the past year witnessed the evolution from three-party talks to two rounds of six-party talks in beijing, and the working group meeting as well, in which china's shuttle diplomacy and painstaking efforts were the driving force behind the process towards a final solution of the korean nuclear issue
从中朝美三方会谈到两轮北京六方会谈,再到工作组会议,短短的一年多时间,中国外交官几十次的穿梭斡旋及其所付出的心血智慧,汇成了一股强大的推动力,有力地推动了朝核问题的解决进程。 - It's difficult to see painstaking effort in a sentence. 用painstaking effort造句挺难的
如何用painstaking effort造句,用painstaking effort造句,painstaking effort in a sentence, 用painstaking effort造句和painstaking effort的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。