- The athletic relay strip is set against a fiery orange background, and shows the runners in exciting poses at different stages of the race from starting line to finish . the highboard diving sequence features a vivid blue background and depicts the fluid movement of the diver as she steps off the diving board and somersaults before plunging gracefully into the water
接力赛邮票以焰橙色衬底,充分显示出健儿在起步、交棒、接力、冲刺的雄姿,高台跳水则以湛蓝色为基调,把选手起跳、翻腾、展开和入水的优美动作一一展现出来。 - It's difficult to see somersaults in a sentence. 用somersaults造句挺难的
如何用somersaults造句,用somersaults造句,somersaults in a sentence, 用somersaults造句和somersaults的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。