
发音:   用"三次元"造句
cubic element
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  1. Invest usd $ 900 , 000 to buy sodick and mitsubishi wire cutting machines from japan and 3 d co - ordinate measure machine to enhance the product quantities to meet the request of the customers and for staff professional development
    投资美金$ 900 , 000元增购日本sodick及mitsubishi精密线切割加工机共7台及三次元量测仪,提高产能以配合客户的需求。
  2. A sun holds a vibration that races in speed to a point of near - combustion ; however there is the vibration is held just below the level of combustion and to a fiery explosion as experienced in the third dimension
    一个太阳掌握了在速度中提升到接近燃烧的振动;说来也有振动被掌握在恰恰低于燃烧的水平? ?对于一个在三次元空间所经验的炙热的爆发而言。
  3. Chen , wei - fan and shen - wan lin ( 1998 ) , “ computer aided measuring of rotating shaft roundness error for high speed machine tool ” , proceeding of the 4th international symposium on measurement technology and intelligent instruments , icmi , hungary , pp . 73 - 78 ,
    林慎旺( 1999 ) , "三次元座标测量机动态精度之评定" ,中国机械工程学会第16届全国学术会议,清华大学,页353 - 359 。
  4. Chen , wei - fan and shen - wan lin ( 1998 ) , “ computer aided measuring of rotating shaft roundness error for high speed machine tool ” , proceeding of the 4th international symposium on measurement technology and intelligent instruments , icmi , hungary , pp . 73 - 78 ,
    林慎旺( 1999 , "三次元座标测量机动态精度之评定" ,中国机械工程学会第16届全国学术会议,清华大学,第353 - 359页。


  1. "三次样条积分"英文
  2. "三次乙二胺"英文
  3. "三次乙基二醇"英文
  4. "三次乙四胺"英文
  5. "三次预解式"英文
  6. "三次元仿真"英文
  7. "三次元结构"英文
  8. "三次元类比"英文
  9. "三次元量"英文
  10. "三次元量测仪"英文


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