
发音:   用"与强调"造句
generalizations and emphasis
  • :    take part in; part ...
  • 强调:    stress; emphasize; ...
  • 与强盗:    love &larceny; whi ...
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  1. ( 1 ) emphasizing educational utility : in accord with stressing practicability of knowledge , latter - day education opposes ornamental of classicality education and insist education should meet the substantial need of individual and nation ; ( 2 ) paying attention to science education : scientism educational ideas insist that science knowledge have a dominant position in school course ; ( 3 ) knowledge - oriented : the educational ideas equate school education with classroom teaching , which is equal to teaching the systematic reasonal knowledge , in which the cognitive activity of individual becomes the center
  2. This paper holds that zhou zuoren ' s views were not consistent with the main stream of the literature that emphasized on " rebellion " and " resentment " , but his strong views , such as treating the weak kindly , being concerned with life , watching out for views that looked human as a tool and all irrational sentiments of resentment and revenge , respecting law , being a mature modern citizen of rationality , were precious wealth in any case
    尽管周作人的主张与强调“反抗” 、 “复仇”的主流文学话语极不合拍,但他所强调的善待弱者,关爱生命,警惕任何把人当作工具的观念和一切怨恨、报复等非理性情绪,做一个成熟而理性的现代公民,无论如何都是笔珍贵的财富。


  1. "与嵌入式技术实验室"英文
  2. "与枪声同时出发的犯规"英文
  3. "与墙壁齐平的门"英文
  4. "与墙齐平的隐门"英文
  5. "与强盗"英文
  6. "与强队竞争"英文
  7. "与强者和弱者较量"英文
  8. "与乔许哈奈特"英文
  9. "与乔治"英文
  10. "与巧巧"英文


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