
发音:   用"为主动"造句
er or
  • 为主:    give first place t ...
  • :    harness cause diso ...
  • 转为主动:    wrest back the ini ...
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  1. At the end of the paper , cognitive network is discussed by comparing with active network management , preparing for further research in active network management
  2. Change passive statements to active verbs . saying “ coordinated client meetings ” instead of “ ensured client meetings were coordinated ” adds punch and clarity to a job description
  3. In view of teaching method , changing the passive study under traditional mode into active knowledge - seek , remote education can motivate the learners to fully employ their learning potential
  4. The united states is the most powerful country in the world . and it is the result of more than hundreds of years " efforts . the families and inventors are the main actors of innovation before
  5. By using proper particularity of story , and seizing the principle of story teaching , it makes teaching more attractive , and makes students get active learning and reach a well teaching effect
    善用故事的特质和把握故事教学的基本原则,让故事教学?具有吸引? ,也让孩童在进?学习时能够化被动为主动,达到较好的学习效果。


  1. "为周"英文
  2. "为珠三角城市群之首"英文
  3. "为主"英文
  4. "为主的夹杂物能够诱导焊缝中针状铁素体形核"英文
  5. "为主的一手牌"英文
  6. "为主歌唱"英文
  7. "为主句主语"英文
  8. "为主力部队打掩护"英文
  9. "为主体分配角色"英文
  10. "为主要城市"英文


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