
发音:   用"主墙"造句
chief wall
main wall
  • :    host
  • :    wall
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  1. Through the use of off - site fabricated steel members and slip - form construction for concrete core walls , the construction time was considerably shortened , the standard of workmanship controlled and the use of timber formwork eliminated
  2. This kind of structures will cause the principal stress difference bigger due to the sharp changes modulus of deformation between auxiliary core and main core , auxiliary core and upstream and downstream transition materials , which is disadvantage of stress transmission
  3. No matter with or without flange , the longitudinal strain in limbs roughly coincides with bernoulli ' s principle . 5 based on strain distribution status found in experiments , the internal force evaluation approaches are suggested . then , the structural behaviors are investigated in detail , and the concepts of pl and leffr are introduced
  4. By combining the design of cast asphalt concrete core earth - rock dam of nierji hydroelectric projects , an optimize study on the structural types and construction technology of cast asphalt concrete core are carried out in the article . the main contents of the study are summed up as follows : at present , the main and auxiliary core structures are widely adopted in the design of the cast asphalt concrete core earth - rock dam in the state , i . e . the main core to be asphalt concrete and auxiliary core of asphalt mortar masonry


  1. "主前交账"英文
  2. "主前角"英文
  3. "主潜水面"英文
  4. "主枪子弹打完后自动换手枪"英文
  5. "主腔"英文
  6. "主桥"英文
  7. "主桥,北桥"英文
  8. "主桥钢箱梁"英文
  9. "主桥基"英文
  10. "主桥面"英文



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