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  1. The album was produced by dido , her brother , rollo obviously now deciding she should give up her day job , rick nowels and youth , and what a beautiful album it is
  2. My brain , which like that of most working mothers has a habit of leaping from one compartment to another like a hyperactive rabbit , became practically sedentary
  3. Their study of more than 5 , 000 norwegian 15 - and 16 - year - olds showed a clear and direct association between soft drink intake and hyperactivity , and a more complex link with other mental and behavioural disorders
  4. The coarse fare to which he was unused , the vodka he drank during those days , the lack of wine and cigars , his dirty , unchanged linen , and two half - sleepless nights , spent on a short sofa without bedding , all reduced pierre to a state of nervous irritability bordering on madness
  5. It is the last day of 2006 , it is the date that i open the blog of my own , it is the date i quit the qqgroup of wg . ( of curse , it is not their fault , for my fear , fear that my ignorance would cause something undesirable . ) in this blog , i may laugh , i may pretend to be thoughtful , and may cry after drinking
    今天是2006年的最后一天,却是我个人博客的开张之时,也是今天我退出了烽火的qq群, (当然不是别人不好,而是自己多少觉得有点畏惧,畏惧的不是别人,而是畏惧自己的自以为是会带给别人伤害)在这里似乎让自己有了个可以宣泄情绪的角落,可以笑,可以故作深沉状,也可以在酒后亢奋的那一瞬间痛哭流涕。


  1. "亢仓丰"英文
  2. "亢池"英文
  3. "亢崇仁"英文
  4. "亢词"英文
  5. "亢奋"英文
  6. "亢奋剂"英文
  7. "亢害承制"英文
  8. "亢旱"英文
  9. "亢旱不雨"英文
  10. "亢建林"英文


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