
发音:   用"人工模拟"造句
manual simulation
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  1. Using simulating rainfall experiment and the present research , we deeply analyze the runoff and sediment transport rules and effect of shrub and grass measures under different slope and rainfall intensity
  2. Significant negative correlation was observed between the initial time of runoff incidence , runoff and soil loss under the hedgerow ecosystems and soybean monocropping pattern , with significant positive correlation between runoff and soil loss
  3. In this thesis , with eight events of artificial water - washing test on five different slope gradients , factors affecting soil potassium loss by erosion , such as slope gradient , rain intensity , vegetation coverage , and amount of rainfall are discussed
  4. Adequate training in such surgical skills must therefore ideally take place in a man - made simulated environment , similar to the way airplane pilots acquire their skills in an airplane simulator , before live surgery on patients can confidently be performed
  5. By placing different rare earth elements ( ree ) in different soil depth and different section across one slope in an indoor plot , one simulated rainfall was applied to study the spatial - temporal process both of depth and section erosion across one slope plot simultaneously


  1. "人工免疫接种"英文
  2. "人工灭火"英文
  3. "人工灭火时使用"英文
  4. "人工灭火时使用a型泡沫器材的标准"英文
  5. "人工明细预算"英文
  6. "人工膜"英文
  7. "人工磨光机"英文
  8. "人工磨矿"英文
  9. "人工磨圆的金刚石"英文
  10. "人工莫来石"英文


700斤男子占用4张床位拒出院 致70位病人手术延期!(双语版)

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