
发音:   用"人的学习"造句
human learning
  • :    human being; man; ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 学习:    study; learn; emul ...
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  1. Aiesec facilitates international traineeship exchanges and supporting activities that provide practical learning experiences for our trainees and that facilitate the learning of our members and other stakeholders
  2. Thus the kbe wholeheartedly promotes the human learning spirit and behaviours , favours those workers with higher skills and educational qualifications , and requires continuous upgrading and broadening of skills and knowledge
  3. Thus the kbe wholeheartedly promotes the human learning spirit and behaviors , favors those workers with higher skills and educational qualifications , and requires continuous upgrading and broadening of skills and knowledge
  4. Chapter five conclusion this chapter points out that it will . take a long time popularize the transfer teaching methods , and make it peoples common sense due to the far reaching influence of the traditional teaching methods and peoples laziness in their study
  5. Nevertheless , in the traditional web - based instruction system , without the full consideration of user ' s requirements and individualities , the system self is centric , learners have to adapt to the system instead of adapted by the system . this kind of system does n ' t carry out instructions according to people ' s learning rule , resulting in the poor interaction and bad learning effects


  1. "人的幸运"英文
  2. "人的性别代码"英文
  3. "人的性格和社会心理杂志"英文
  4. "人的性格温和的适中的;戒酒的;天气温和的"英文
  5. "人的需要"英文
  6. "人的学习与智力"英文
  7. "人的雪"英文
  8. "人的亚种之一"英文
  9. "人的要素"英文
  10. "人的业绩"英文


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