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  1. The recycle economy legislation can be said to deal with economic system and the opening , complexity , dynamics and multi - level of ecosystem with human ’ s limited reasons . this requires that on the premise of keeping the stability of the law , the regular design should as much as possible meet the requirement of complicated and changeable new situations . the structure - function analytical method of the recycle economy law helps to reduce risk of choosing and makes the recycle economy law have adjustable systems with open function and lasting optimization
  2. Model xjq has following features : ( 1 ) dummy bottom is adopted , making the recycling capacity of the recycling cylinder is 2 . 5times of the tand . ( 2 ) the stator is a cylinder in structure with its inner wall being vertically ribbed , and slots are placed , leading to better cutting lffect to the slurry . ( 3 ) due to low immerging depth of the rotator , low rurning speed of the impeller , and wide space between the impeller and stator , wearing is low and power consumption greatly reduced . ( 4 ) it is spontaneously aerated
    Xjq型浮选机为仿维姆科型,该机主要有以下几个特点: ( 1 )采用了假底,循环简可使循环量达到槽容积的2 . 5倍; ( 2 )定子结构为圆筒型,内壁设有立筋条和长孔,对矿浆的前切作用好; ( 3 )转子浸没深度浅,叶轮转速低,叶轮和定子间隙大,所以其磨损轻,动力消耗大大减少; ( 4 )可自吸空气。
  3. The quality and efficiency while rinsing have been improved by taking advantage of the two key procedures . more than this , it can acquire prominence economic benefit and establish messily theory basic and equipment guarantee for the work of quick - speed circulation rinsing to hydraulic pressure steel piping
  4. According to the concept and characteristic of cyclic economy , the economic development in china is analyzed and compared with foreign countries . in order to improve the cyclic economy in china , some suggestions are put forward : taking germany as an example , establishment of agency of purchase - transfer - disposition mode ; improvement of the existing system of regulations and laws to impulse the development of cyclic economy ; ecological and cycle development of production ; effective propaganda of cyclic economy , etc


  1. "使血管扩张"英文
  2. "使血脉通畅"英文
  3. "使血球溶解的卡那霉素,万古霉素"英文
  4. "使血细胞溶解"英文
  5. "使血液流通"英文
  6. "使驯服"英文
  7. "使驯化"英文
  8. "使逊色"英文
  9. "使逊色, 使相形见绌"英文
  10. "使逊色,使相形见绌"英文


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