
发音:   用"信义义务"造句
fiduciary duty
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  1. By the description of the common law system fiduciary duty , the author wants to emphasize the fiduciary duty in establishment and operation of corporation , which can benefit company legislation of china , even the whole civil law system countries
  2. The traditional corporation law , based on the trust and appointment relation between directors and a corporation , holds that directors only have an obligation of having good faith to the corporation , and bear the legal liability if they fail to fulfill the obligation
  3. Although the insider short - swing trading is not banned by law , the insider should not gain profits by taking advantage of his position and even if he does , according to the fiduciary duty and principle of agency law , those profits should be recovered by the issuer
  4. In chapter 7 , the author discusses some fundamental regulations for private investment company such as the deposit of fund , the restricts of investment , the manager ' s reports to the investors , the closed period of private investment company , the manager ' s duty of care and diligence
  5. Once controlling shareholdensbreach his fiduciary duty , the common law provides minorities the rights of direct suit and derivative suit . then , the minorities can request the court to order the controlling shareholder responsible for the damages , or to make an injunction , or to declare the corporation decision void . and the minorities can also exercise their appraisal right of dissenting shareholders


  1. "信义区 台北市立松山高级商业家事职业学校"英文
  2. "信义区 永春高中"英文
  3. "信义素著"英文
  4. "信义线"英文
  5. "信义乡"英文
  6. "信义银行"英文
  7. "信义宗"英文
  8. "信义宗神学院"英文
  9. "信义宗主义"英文
  10. "信益"英文


2017年大受欢迎的8项创意发明  (双语)

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