
发音:   用"先进战斗机"造句
advanced fighter
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  1. For advanced tactical fighter , besides excellent aerodynamic performance , stealthy performance is an important factor for aircraft configuration design
  2. It is significant for the study of the more electric aircraft ( mea ) , just because more electric aircraft is the important feature of the next advanced fight airplane
  3. More electric aircraft ( mea ) is a feature of advanced fight plane . it is important to study electric load manage center ( elmc ) , which is the key unit of mea
    多电飞机是下一代先进战斗机的一个重要特征,而电气负载管理中心( elmc )是多电飞机电气系统的枢纽部件。
  4. Introduction : also from outer space is a fierce battle , the player is riding on earth extraterrestrial army in order to confront the forces of aggression , and the latest development of the advanced fighters in the vastness of space down the invading enemy . the game is very realistic 3d shooting depth , like the player must attempt to some oh
  5. Therefore , in this paper the multi - objective optimization design of aerodynamic and stealthy configuration for the fighter is discussed according to the geometrical characteristics of the advanced tactical fighter . the work is performed as follows : 1 according to the different design requirement in subsonic and supersonic state , with the multi - objective optimization method , the aerodynamic configuration optimization method for different design requirements has been obtained
    基于以上考虑,本文从研究气动隐身多目标优化问题的角度出发,针对先进战斗机的外形设计特点,完成了以下工作: 1 、针对现代战斗机亚、超音速的不同设计要求,利用多目标优化设计方法建立了可进行满足不同设计要求的气动外形优化设计方法。


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  10. "先进战术攻击机"英文


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