
发音:   用"光分布"造句
light distribution
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  1. The reflective light filed distribution is studied in great detail with diffraction approach , which is based on the quasi - gaussian beam model of the light emitted from the multimode transmitting fiber and conclusions drawn by beckmann on the scattering light from random rough reflector
  2. In order to meet the design and optimization requirement of developing led light , an effective method that is befitting in this work should be found out . in this article , the traditional led ' s light distribution is obtained through carrying out simulation of led ' s optical encapsulated structure by means of monte carlo method but not geometry optics method
  3. Using kalman model and gaussian random phase - screen fft , we simulated the distribution of illumination beam through long distance atmosphere and its frequency character . also other facts in simulation were analysised , such as reflection of niaterial under natural lighting , point spread function of optic system and electronic noise


  1. "光分播复用器"英文
  2. "光分波单元"英文
  3. "光分波合波器"英文
  4. "光分波合波器(两波长)"英文
  5. "光分波器"英文
  6. "光分布器"英文
  7. "光分插复用"英文
  8. "光分插复用器"英文
  9. "光分插复用设备"英文
  10. "光分出"英文


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