
[ jūnyòngpǐn ]发音:   用"军用品"造句
army supplies
military end item
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  1. This model is formulated as a non - linear state - space representation of helicopter flight dynamics , incorporating with blade element unsteady aerodynamics , a finite state dynamic inflow wake model , and flapping / lead - lag blade dynamic model . the formulation of the coupled rotor and fuselage equations enables the use of common solution techniques for trim and linearization in arbitrary steady flight condition as well as control response calculations
    本项研究针对新机研制过程必须解决的品质评定、飞控系统设计等问题,按照ads - 33军用品质规范的要求,建立了一个较完整的直升机非线性的、具有状态空间表达形式的飞行动力学模型,进行了模型验证工作,并以某样例直升机为例,计算了ads - 33品质规范( 3


  1. "军用明信片"英文
  2. "军用耐震管"英文
  3. "军用喷气燃料"英文
  4. "军用篷帐帆布"英文
  5. "军用票"英文
  6. "军用品;仓库;补给品"英文
  7. "军用品销售额"英文
  8. "军用器材"英文
  9. "军用气球"英文
  10. "军用气象卫星"英文


熬夜只会说stay up?其实老外都不这么说!
700斤男子占用4张床位拒出院 致70位病人手术延期!(双语版)

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