
发音:   用"农村商业银行"造句
kunshan rural commercial bank
shenzhen rural commercial bank
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  1. At the end of 2001 , the rural credit cooperate in changshu , zhangjiagang and jiangyin of jiangsu province transformed to the rural commercial bank
    2001年11月28日,江苏省常熟、张家港两市同时挂牌组建农村商业银行, 12月6日,江阴市农村商业银行也相继成立。
  2. At last , the paper suggested the strategy of persistent development and the learning significance of the rural credit cooperative reform in the other developed regions
  3. However , due to the unbalanced development of rural economies , nowadays other financial institutions s uch as cooperative finance and policy finance should co - exist with commercial banks
  4. Other domestic prc financial institutions engaged in commercial banking business include urban commercial banks , rural commercial banks , rural cooperative banks , urban credit cooperatives and rural credit cooperatives
  5. The studying emphases in this paper is to analyze and clarify the corporation governance of the rural commercial bank , not to judge the reform was success or not
    对于农村商业银行这一我国金融格局中的新生事物,作者研究的侧重不在于评判其由信用社向商业银行改制的成功与否,而是抓住了当前国内外银行业讨论的焦点问题? ?治理结构问题展开论证与分析。


  1. "农村人口转移至市区"英文
  2. "农村人类利益中心"英文
  3. "农村人民公社"英文
  4. "农村商品流通体制改革"英文
  5. "农村商业"英文
  6. "农村社会"英文
  7. "农村社会学"英文
  8. "农村社会主义"英文
  9. "农村生活"英文
  10. "农村生活报"英文


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