
发音:   用"后承"造句
  • :    behind; back; rear
  • :    bear; hold; carry
  • 后承态:    consequent state
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  1. Based on the image structure , this paper establishes three representation results for recovering contraction inference relations which satisfy the conditions cl , cr1 and dr respectively by the standard epistemic agm states . a unique technique and uniform proofs to represent these contraction relations are adopted , which could overcome the core objection in previous description of contraction relations
    基于图像结构这个概念,我们在文中利用标准认知agm状态建立了三个分别满足条件cl , cr1以及dr的可恢复收缩后承关系的表示定理。事实上,在文中我们采用了独特的技巧以及统一的证明方法表示了这些收缩关系,而采用统一的方法这一点恰好能克服以往众多有关收缩关系表示定理的建立方法中最主要的弱点。
  2. We introduce the notion of specific standard epistemic state and the notion of normal condition . based on the above two notions we make an initial step to answer the following question : what kind of contraction inference relations that may be represented by standard epistemic states can be characterized by existent types of postulates
    ( 2 )本文提出了特殊标准认知结构以及标准条件的概念,就可被现有的公设类型所公理化的由标准认知结构生成后承关系类的特征进行了初步的研究。


  1. "后乘"英文
  2. "后乘座新奇的军鸭"英文
  3. "后程承运人"英文
  4. "后澄清"英文
  5. "后澄清器"英文
  6. "后承态"英文
  7. "后吃水"英文
  8. "后匙骨"英文
  9. "后池"英文
  10. "后耻骨突起"英文


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