
[ liáo ]发音:   "寥"的汉语解释   用"寥"造句
1.(稀少) few; scanty; scarce 短语和例子
2.(静寂) quiet; silent; deserted 短语和例子
3.(空虚; 空旷) abstruse; vague; broad and empty 短语和例子
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  1. Alekhine was a chess master and one of the world ' s great chess champions
    亚历山大.阿辛( 1892 )亚历山大.阿寥辛是位国际象棋大师,世界上伟大的国际象棋冠军之一。
  2. True , early on he made a notable opening towards china , with whom relations had been strained under mr koizumi
  3. The article makes a historical and geographical research about qujiang county , yichun county , mouke city of bacihai mountain and liaohui city in jin yuan area
  4. To the infiltration of social life of various fields with science and technology , modern dispute and science have been already inseparable , the scientific evidence becomes the new " king of the evidence " , has formed the enormous impact to judge ' s judgement right . this text set forth one ' s views in the platform with the judge how to examine and assert scientific evidence , how to restrain invasion and attack to the mechanism of dispute solves from expansion of expert discourse - right
    关于科学证据的文章可谓汗牛充栋,其中绝大多数是对所谓鉴定体制的批评与设计,对于科学证据的基本问题以及法官如何审查认定科学证据的论文却若星辰。随着科学技术向社会生活各个方面的渗透,现代纠纷与科学已经密不可分,科学证据成为新的“证据之王” ,对法官裁判权形成了巨大的冲击。


  1. "燎原之火"英文
  2. "燎原之势"英文
  3. "燎源水族"英文
  4. "燎照相机"英文
  5. "燎猪毛"英文
  6. "寥和"英文
  7. "寥科"英文
  8. "寥廓"英文
  9. "寥廓苍穹"英文
  10. "寥廓的天空"英文


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