
发音:   用"小声的"造句
not loud
  • 小声:    in a low voice; un ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 声的:    acoustic feedback; ...
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  1. My mother was tired and sleepy and wanted to rest in silence , but i could not bring myself to turn it off , but rather insisted on playing it very softly so that i could recite while driving
  2. Then people later came back and tried to imitate it just to communicate with each other in the old time , to know each other s level , and also as a souvenir . that s why the outer music amuses people , and heals people , too . sometimes , when you are tired and you can t even meditate alone , if you listen to some music and meditate at the same time , or leave it on in the background or listen with earphones , then you will feel calm after a few hours ; but the quan yin will calm you after ten or twenty minutes
  3. As for the particulars : while lrh and heinlein authored tales of galactic travel - - tales so real and compelling they would finally inspire whole generations - - the world ' s most prominent scientists would whisper into government ears something to the effect of : you know those stories about reaching the moon and beyond


  1. "小肾管"英文
  2. "小肾盏"英文
  3. "小声"英文
  4. "小声 抱怨,咕哝"英文
  5. "小声抱怨"英文
  6. "小声地"英文
  7. "小声点"英文
  8. "小声讲话"英文
  9. "小声交谈"英文
  10. "小声聊天"英文


江湖再见!着名武侠小说家金庸去世! (双语版)
别“傻坐”着了!久坐会让人变傻变痴呆!  (双语)

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