
发音:   用"市场营销人员"造句
marketing specialist / staff
sales and marketing
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  1. We have a number of electronics 、 communications 、 computer hardware and software technical personnel , established a strong marketing network by senior managers and marketers
  2. When identifying market segments , marketers look at some variables ( elements ) , the most common being geographic , demographic , psychographic , and product - use variables
    当细分市场识别时,市场营销人员调查某些因素(变量) ,最为常见的是`地理因素、人口统计因素、消费心理学因素与商品用途因素。
  3. The team that works on the new release includes full time developers and external parties who will be affected by the new release , such as marketing , sales , and customers
  4. Sticking to the principles of teamwork , innovation , development , with over 200 skilled workers , 12 outstanding r & d technicians and more than 30 marketing staff work here , it has always be in cooperation with a number of well - known brands of shoes business from united states , britain and other countries
    持着:团结、创新、发展的企业精神,在200多名技术闲熟的制鞋技工; 23名设计研发技术人员, 30多名市场营销人员的团结努力下;一直成为俄罗斯、美国、英国、韩国、日本等国家多个知名品牌鞋的指定合作生产商。
  5. In the fourth chapter the practical effect of pension fund investment is analized . in the past 25 years , chile has accumulated a huge amount of pension fund which was attributed to a high investment return . at the same time , the cost of pension fund management has droped down . as for the afp industry , conclusions can be made that the market concentration is holding on , investment “ herding effect ” is intensified , and salesmen take an negative role in market competition
    第四章:实证分析养老基金投资的历史成效。历史上养老基金积累了规模巨大的资产,取得了高额的投资回报,投资管理成本呈逐步下降趋势。养老基金行业发展呈现出三个特点:一是市场垄断趋势逐步加强;二是投资策略上表现出“羊群效应” ;三是市场营销人员对竞争效率有明显的影响作用。


  1. "市场营销控制"英文
  2. "市场营销理学硕士"英文
  3. "市场营销立法"英文
  4. "市场营销模拟"英文
  5. "市场营销渠道"英文
  6. "市场营销入门"英文
  7. "市场营销师"英文
  8. "市场营销师资教育"英文
  9. "市场营销事务"英文
  10. "市场营销系统分析"英文


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