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boolean data type
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  1. Attribute is intended to be either " true " or " false . " unfortunately , jaxb failed to pick up on this and use a boolean data type - instead , the
    属性的值应该是“ true ”或“ false ” 。不幸的是, jaxb没有发现这一点并使用布尔数据类型
  2. Db2 udb does not have native support for bit or boolean data types , neither for bitwise operation nor for boolean algebra operations
    Db2 udb没有为位数据类型或布尔数据类型提供本机支持,它既不支持逐位操作,也不支持布尔代数操作。
  3. If you re migrating to ibm db2 universal database from a database that supports bit and boolean operations and functions , you may be wondering how to handle these types and functions in db2 . our author offers a method that includes table creation with columns of the bit - like or boolean data types using constraints or triggers , and a set of user - defined functions to support bitwise and boolean operations that imitate bit or boolean data - type behavior
    本文作者提出了一种方法,这个方法中包括使用约束条件或触发器创建的表,表中包含类似于位( bit - like )的数据类型的列或布尔数据类型的列;该方法还包含一组用户定义函数( udf ) ,用于支持模仿位数据或布尔数据类型的行为的逐位运算和布尔运算。
  4. This article offers a method that includes table creation with columns of the bit - like or boolean data type , using constraints or triggers , and a set of user - defined functions udfs to support bitwise and boolean operations for columns that imitate bit or boolean data type behavior
    本文将提供一种方法,该方法包括使用约束条件或触发器创建了一个表,表中包含类似于位( bit - like )或布尔数据类型的列;该方法还包括一组用户定义函数( udf ) ,用于支持模仿位数据或布尔数据类型的行为的逐位运算和布尔运算。


  1. "布尔什维主义"英文
  2. "布尔什滕"英文
  3. "布尔式"英文
  4. "布尔氏血清"英文
  5. "布尔数据"英文
  6. "布尔数据设置"英文
  7. "布尔数据项"英文
  8. "布尔斯"英文
  9. "布尔斯贝格"英文
  10. "布尔斯蒂纳"英文


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