
发音:   用"成果推广应用"造句
promotion of results application
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  1. 7 . the above have applied to the three items of research institute in the army simulation field and the simulation demonstration of the three gorge five - step ship gate running and controlling system . in the application , these problems are solved which are the compliance of linkage of the software and the system and the expansibility of the software , and these research have achieved better social and economic benefits
  2. Organize review , publication and implementation of nation - wide promotion projects on innovative building technologies , products and systems ; facilitate implementation of announcement of technologies recommended , promoted , limited or prohibited by moc ; im plement demonstration and industrialization of innovative building technologies , products and systems promoted by moc ; implement engineering application and industrialization of green buiding system ; provide consultation service ; organize technology transactions


  1. "成果率"英文
  2. "成果评定"英文
  3. "成果评价"英文
  4. "成果日"英文
  5. "成果图像"英文
  6. "成果问责制"英文
  7. "成果显著"英文
  8. "成果预算编制制度"英文
  9. "成果预算框架"英文
  10. "成果预算制"英文


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