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da database access
database access
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  1. The website is running on the intranet and it works well . this dissertation provides a new method to manage the parts " drawings , which is applicable to not only dryland machines " parts drawings but also all kinds of machines " parts drawings
  2. To persistence the objects there are two common approach . one approach is that structured query language ( sql ) codeis embedded in the source code of your classes . the other approach is that sql statements for your business classes are encapsulated in one or more " data classes . " the disadvantage is that it directly couples your business classes with the schema of your relational database , implying that a simple change such as renaming a column or porting to another database results in a rework of your source code
  3. An efficient algorithm qais is proposed that uses the efficient method to reduce database access activity , and present a novel algorithm aiu based on this algorithm , it is fit for mining association rules and incremental updating . it is especially effective in vldb , mining long patterns , and high support . the perfermance of qais / aiu is verified on the basis of synthetic data , experiments show that the proposed algorithm can mine association rules more efficiently by not generating candidate itemsets and reducing the redundancy of frequent itemsets while generating association rules
    然而目前大多数挖掘关联规则的算法往往必需多次扫描事务数据库才能达到要求的目标,这样重复性的数据库存取动作将会导致过多的执行时问浪费在i o动作上,另外在频繁集生成规则时现有的算法没有考虑到规则的大量冗余,为了解决这个问题本文提出了一个不需要生成候选集同时有效的去除生成规则时产生大量冗余的算法qais ,来提高关联规则生成的速度,并且在此算法基础上提出了新颖的关联规则增量更新算法aiu ,通过应用合成数据验证了qais aiu算法的有效性,由试验结果来看这个方法确实能更有效且准确地获得事务数据库的关联规则,尤其适合挖掘超大数据库中高支持度下长模式的挖掘。
  4. General kinds of apriori - like algorithm always produce huge number of candidate itemset , and it ' s a grave burden to mining efficiency . at the same time apriori - like algorithm needs repeated confirming of the database fetch in every stage circulation . that is also a great burden for the system


  1. "数据库词典"英文
  2. "数据库存"英文
  3. "数据库存储器"英文
  4. "数据库存储系统"英文
  5. "数据库存会议"英文
  6. "数据库存取方法"英文
  7. "数据库存取设备"英文
  8. "数据库存取协议"英文
  9. "数据库存取业务"英文
  10. "数据库存取语言"英文


特朗普在联合国演讲 引发现场大声嘲笑!  (双语)

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