
发音:   用"时尚休闲"造句
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  1. The company is located to the clothingfamous city china guangzhou , follows close on the product style designidea which the fashion leisure primarily hits , unifies european andamerican countries the with emphasis and so on the turkey populartendency
  2. About us we are engaged in design , producing and marketing of various t - shirt , knitting sports wears , golf knitting wears , windbreakers , acetate taffeta p d , tatting sports wears , etc for units and groups
  3. " jinhui " brand woman ' s suits , including sports wear , dust coat , jacket , cotton - padded clothes , t - shirt , seven - tenths trouses , shirt , one - piece dress , cocktail dress and jean sweater , is orienting themselves to serve the upscale consumers
    “金卉”女装主要针对高素质、求时尚、爱运动的消费群体,年龄主要定位在16 - 30岁之间的女性领都市运动时尚休闲族,主要产品有运动套装、风衣、茄克、棉衣、 t恤、七分裤、衬衫、连衣裙、短裙、毛衫牛仔系列等。
  4. The registered trade marks are " st . cartel " and " smart " fashionable casual products ; the products features precise workmanship , individual design and high quality materials and substantial price . the products have enjoyed high popularity from the youth and white collar gentries
    注册商标“ st . cartel圣卡堤亚” “ smart斯曼”时尚休闲系列产品做工精细一直以其独具匠心的用材个性化的设计,适中的价格深受年青人,尤其是白领丽人一族的青睐。
  5. The project involves the establishment of large stores , business buildings , office buildings , restaurants , dining halls , and relaxation squares , etc , which is to be the commercial center integrating large fashion department stores , as well as facilities related with fashion , relaxation , characteristic catering , and special entertainment


  1. "时尚鞋品"英文
  2. "时尚新词语"英文
  3. "时尚新闻"英文
  4. "时尚型"英文
  5. "时尚行销"英文
  6. "时尚靴"英文
  7. "时尚一派"英文
  8. "时尚衣着"英文
  9. "时尚艺术"英文
  10. "时尚饮食,流行餐"英文


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