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  • :    Semantics
  • 涉及:    involve; relate to ...
  • :    39
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  1. Very forceful emotions from the depth of one ' s own being can feel like an attack on the self and the more dangerous emotions can appear to be a matter of life or death
  2. The research contents of embedded system deal with various aspect of computer subject , such as the net system , wireless net , 3g application and consumer electronic
    嵌入式的研究更是涉及到计算机相关的各个领域,如:网络系统、无线网络、 3g应用、汽车电子等。
  3. The back - propagation algorithm also rests on the idea of gradient descent , and so the only change in the analysis of weight modification concerns the difference between t and y
    反向传播算法同样来源于梯度降落原理,在权系数调整分析中的唯一不同是涉及到t ( p , n )与y ( p , n )的差分。
  4. The ingredient has been the subject of concern on cancer , because when mixed with vitamin c , it turns into a carcinogenic substance called benzene , the independent reported
  5. Com also has a marshaler that marshals data between com apartments or different com processes . when calling between managed and unmanaged code within the same com apartment , the interop marshaler is the only marshaler involved
    当在同一个com单元内的托管和非托管代码之间进行调用时, interop封送拆收器是涉及到的唯一一个封送拆收器。


  1. "是山药,不是山芋山芋就是地瓜"英文
  2. "是善"英文
  3. "是善良,强壮的运动员,冷静能自理的男孩"英文
  4. "是上述"英文
  5. "是少数派"英文
  6. "是呻吟还是呜咽"英文
  7. "是身份"英文
  8. "是声音变低"英文
  9. "是生于皇室"英文
  10. "是省略连词的定语从句"英文


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